
Gomer8387 t1_j6oceh4 wrote

Yea not sure where you were living and considering the suburbs but on the Western side of the state I have always seen crows, hawks and Vultures. We actually have a bald eagle nesting in one of the trees around my house. Haven't found the nest but have seen the bird a lot over the past year.

As for the other animals what you listed are all primarily seen at night so if you have a motion camera set up at night you will see they are still there just as always.


Gomer8387 t1_iwelb94 wrote

Reply to comment by mxfive5 in Living in Western NJ? by mxfive5

It can be done but you would be looking at 2+ hour commutes each way with things running smoothly. I work remote so things are good for me but local job prospects are minimal at best.


Gomer8387 t1_iweklpc wrote

The biggest thing with that area is nothing is convenient for commuting. You are half way between 80/78 and it’s a nice drive to even get a train if you work in the city. With that said yes it is a Republican area but what another poster said is just a stupid exaggeration. You 1000% also don’t have a nightlife there and are totally car dependent so it really will depend on what stage of your life you are in if it fits or not.