
GloriaFreeman OP t1_iws3lpf wrote

Heya. Thanks for the question. I truly love acting and I truly love writing. The rest.... I do because I have to. Producing wise I do so I have ownership of my projects but it's not my most favorite thing - far from it in fact. The same with marketing. I could happily do without both of those. As for how I do it? When I look back on the Jodea shoot I really don't know. We had our production manager and production designer pull out 3 days before we shot. Jon the director and myself had to do everything. I was coming home from 12 - 14 hour shoot days and instead of preparing my lines and getting enough sleep I was sorting out production design for the next day, seeing if we had enough extras etc. So looking back I have to say I have no idea how I did it. But we pulled through. Being on the set of Gemstones was pure bliss as I didn't have to worry about anything except my performance. I mean there was even someone waiting for me if I wanted to carry my shoes. I was like " It's ok I can carry them " and she was like " No you mustn't carry anything" I was not used to that.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwotpfr wrote

Oh wow. Thank you so much for asking this. I remember everything. I lived there till I left school so all my childhood memories are there. Yes I used to also love Nandos. I miss the country a lot especially the people. The weather in the rainy season was always amazing with some incredible storms. So much that I miss and love. Kariba, The Vumba Mountains. Not to mention all my friends


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwopaxm wrote

Heya. I usually am always one of the producers on my projects as I like to keep some control. I find finding good producers isn't easy and you must be careful about signing your project over to a bad producer. I've seen so many cases of people who have done that. They get a producer who is incapable of getting the film off the ground but the writer/director has signed away their rights and is helpless to do anything.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwop43k wrote

Great question. I have to say it's both. I always need to be working on something and will always be looking for something but sometimes there's that idea that just drives you. Like Introducing Jodea did. It was my bad experiences in the movie biz that I had to make into a comedy. Hope that answers your question and I Love your Reddit name by the way.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwo2d9m wrote

Thank you to everyone who is taking part. I'm going to be checking back in again in a little while. In the mean time do catch my movie Introducing Jodea that's out on all major platforms. Both Amazon and Itunes have it at half price this week especially because of the promotions we're running. You're welcome to hop online again and ask me any questions after seeing the film about how certain things were done on such a small budget. Thanks again to everyone!


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwnst3j wrote

So many. I loved it when Walton and I went down behind the haystack at Judy's birthday party. That was fun. We tried it so many ways. With my lipstick smudged .I also loved watching Judy receiving her presents and Jesse throwing up. They all just made me crack up.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwnn9g3 wrote

Heya. I've done both. My first movie in the US " Devil's Cove" I self financed completely and we shot it on the shoe string budget of $10K. For Introducing Jodea I had 2 other friends/ investors who came on board with me. It's always good to find people to invest with you but sometimes if there's a project you're truly passionate about and nobody wants to invest.- the only answer is to do it yourself. Crowdfund. Save your money. Whatever works.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwnelg2 wrote

So funny you ask that. I have a feeling that might have been added in post production as I really have no recollection of him making that sound on set and I'm sure I'd remember something like that. I know what you mean. When I heard it I also cracked up. Jeremy is the most terrific little actor.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwn5xmz wrote

He's an incredible actor. What's great about him is that when you're playing opposite him like in the Christmas mall scene - he is so convincing. I was in character and just angry at the way he was speaking to me and speaking at Harmon. Afterwards when I was no longer in character and saw the scene I was just laughing hysterically. He's so funny....but at the same time such a good actor. I still crack up at the "f###ing space cadet " line