
Fluffyknickers t1_j64ikuu wrote

A person with notes wouldn't be unusual in my book club. We often read quotes or look up author information during the discussion.

There's a bit of structure to it. We open by saying the rules if there are new people (be respectful and stay on topic). We may decide on next month's book, if not already selected. We speak in any order; it's a group discussion. During this time we order food. About an hour in, we close by each giving it a rating. Our food arrives, and discussion is opened up to anything.

I'm going to a 2nd book club this month, in person. Curious how it'll be different.


Fluffyknickers t1_j5pgnf4 wrote

I think this verb tense is future progressive. But it's been 15 years since I taught grammar, so hopefully someone smarter than me will come along to identify it.

I particularly liked a first line of a chapter in the middle of a book: "There was a demon in the room's corner, and only she could see it." Immediately i wanted to know more.

David Gemmell also often started his chapters with a cold open. It's fun to read.


Fluffyknickers t1_j5pex55 wrote

I read historical fiction, the older the better. I also enjoy litfic, historical fantasy, magical realism, memoirs, and biographies. That's what I say. I also add that joining a book club expanded my horizons and I found authors I wouldn't have otherwise.

OP you can always say you read from any genre, that you just like a good story. Nothing wrong with that. That's how I am about music and tv.