
Elektribe t1_j5joph2 wrote


So long as enough time passes and the value drops on an IP so it's not expensive - it's up for grabs. Over the last 70 odd years, not as much has changed in TV beyond the motifs, more acceptable skintones, and a degree of acceptance that there are demographics people wanna fuck that are not bimodal. Beyond that... we as a society are still super hooked on fucking cops shows out the ass, racist shit (even if it's acceptable to have more skintones), and a lot of right wing garbage.

Thus... so long as we continue our trajectory, there will always be the possibility of rebooting any given franchise that fits the complete garbage ass ideology we can't stop sucking down like addicts. A few tweaks here and there and any IP is basically as good as another in this day and age. Even all the cold-war bait is still applicable, not that we've ever ended it - we just shifted to China, and the same old tropes the nazis left behind for us are still reuse-able and beloved by ignorant people.

Many of the stories we utilize even today are rehashes from much older shows and movies and such anyway. FFS, look at the dozens of fucking Marvel movies making bank... off what are basically slightly tweaked rehashing of 50-60s comic books that basically have much of the messaging intact. And are heavily linked to promoting imperialist warmongering and doing apologetics for atrocities committed by the U.S. while selling everyone an oligarchy under the name of democracy.