
CyberDainz t1_j715ayh wrote

use trainable normalization

self._in_beta = nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.Tensor(in_ch,), requires_grad=True)
self._in_gamma = nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.Tensor(in_ch,), requires_grad=True)
self._out_gamma = nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.Tensor(out_ch,), requires_grad=True)
self._out_beta = nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.Tensor(out_ch,), requires_grad=True)


x = x + self._in_beta[None,:,None,None]
x = x * self._in_gamma[None,:,None,None]
x = x * self._out_gamma[None,:,None,None]
x = x + self._out_beta[None,:,None,None]        



CyberDainz t1_j3kv4f5 wrote

ML is not only just the backend. Technically you can code and run ml programs on OpenCL or OpenGL, but speed will be at least x2-x4 worse than specialized backend like cuda / rocm.

It's all about tuning programs (such as matmul) for each GPU model to achieve maximum performance. CUDA/Rocm already contains tuned programs.


CyberDainz t1_j3ayd88 wrote

Because each project has its own configuration.

If you make a framework out of this, you get a horror like Bazel. And you will spend time learning how to work with Bazel. But what for? Building a project is a simple operation: create folders, some files, download, unzip, call Popen with a certain env, clean up the __ pycache __ folder at the end, and archive it - that's it! The project is ready.

All you need to do is spend 20 minutes and figure out how works and adapt it to your project. is standalone and requires only python 3.


CyberDainz t1_j3awj2p wrote

look at my project

I made a builder to create an all-in-one standalone folder for Windows that contains everything to run a python application containing cuda runtime. Release folder also contains portable VSCode that has already configured project to modify only folder's code. No conda, no docker and other redundant shit.

Builder located here and can be expanded to suit your needs.