
Ctoffroad t1_iu0edpo wrote

I apprecite the apology thank you. The reality is that it is a political issue right now so yeah where else should we talk about it? And why would we just address only with legislators and not discuss it on a public forum where the current topic is about a criminal that was let lose? Again i urge to do some research as to what is happening right now with the current pro criminal movement and the many procriminal laws that are getting made everyday in progressive areas of the country. This isn't a isolated incident based on laws only with protective/restraining orders. This is a current movement that is very much procriminal view point currently. And i agree lets address it with legislators that if you are for keeping violent criminals locked and against the current progressive movement putting criminals rights over the safety of victims.


Ctoffroad t1_iu09uob wrote

It's happening all over right now with progressive prosecutors and judges!! This isn't some isolated incident!! Look in California, Chicago, NYC at the laws that are all getting made procriminal right now. Hell a cop can no longer chase a criminal in Chicago because of some progressive ideas about being unfair or some other progressive view point! I can give a million other new procriminal laws that all come from progressive law makers. Again do just a little research about what is happening right now. Everything is anti cop full on pro criminal right now.

Trust me it isn't some redneck conservative republican that is making these laws!! Again I know this goes against people's idealistic views that want to see things in a different light but if you wanna see things in color need to face reality.


Ctoffroad t1_iu07v15 wrote

That's the point!!! why was he able to post bail three times? What do you think because he is so convincing or charming-lmao

No it is because of whatever progressive lenient DA and judge and the current laws!! If you wanna stick ur head in the sand and not face the facts because it goes against your idealistic views then go ahead...

And i am very progressive on many things. I am pro choice, very pro enviroment, equal rights etc. But crime I am very conservative because I want my family safe! I don't want a family member being assaulted or raped because the laws are pro-criminal as they are right now and some repeat violent offender is not locked up! Which is happening nonestop right now because we are doing this new social experiment that is clearly not working.

You know you don't have to think one way or another and be just democrat or conservative on every view as the politicians want. You can think for yourself thats still allowed.


Ctoffroad t1_itznhi9 wrote

Thank all the progressive prosecutors and law makers that want to socialy experiment with the legal system. Can think of them everytime another innocent victim randomly gets assaulted in the street or pushed into a train track with a criminal that was just let out on a no bail release. The defund movement didn't work out and now they are just going to let all the violent criminal out. As much as I'd rather not live in Bible thumping state down south I'd rather have a state that takes crime seriously and supports law enforcement.
