
CouldBeYouNeverKnow t1_j2hjely wrote

Performance wise, both machines are pretty much the same. They both have areas where they outperform the other. The difference is negligible.

So it is mostly a case of which games and hardware suit you best. Yes, at the minute, Sony has a better lineup of exclusives. That will change starting this year. Microsoft have purchased a lot of big studios over the last few years, and you will really start to see their exclusive library explode in these next couple of years.

My honest opinion, keep the Series X. Save up for a PS5. There will always be exclusives on the other side that you want. No matter which team you pick.

Edit, got my consoles mixed up at the end there.


CouldBeYouNeverKnow t1_ixn4kru wrote

I have both. They play the same. Any difference in performance is minute to the point where it's not noticeable. Also, Sony didn't make a more powerful version. They changed a couple chips around, sure. They weren't for performance, though. Now, it just runs cooler and uses less energy.


CouldBeYouNeverKnow t1_iuh8te4 wrote

Bar nintendo, Sony and Microsoft offerings both achieve pretty much the same outcome. There will be slight differences on either side. Series X is a little cheaper and probably easier to get hold of though.

Both platforms have a good range of exclusives.

Both have their own game library to use (sort of like the Netflix model but for games). One plus Sony has over Microsoft here is that you can actually stream a game before downloading. Saves time on games you may not like.