
CorinthiaAtticora t1_j97k0yv wrote

What the fuck. There are so many things wrong with this, and how you expect others to treat you.

First, "predator" is a term for rapists and pedophiles. You announced yourself as this MULTIPLE TIMES and got confused when people took you seriously? The bouncer only had face-value to go by, so of course he was aggressive to you.

Second, you were already let into the club, and only then executed your shitty plan? Why?? You already got what you wanted!

Third, you are owed NOTHING for existing. No one has to like you, just as you don't have to like anyone. The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you can begin to function among others. You currently act as if your behavior should be excused, for some reason. Why? Because you're autistic? The bouncer didn't know that, and had no way to know that. Even if you told him, he could think you're some asshole using it as a convenient excuse, or he could deem you too inept to not cause problems in the club, so he'd kick you out anyway. All of your actions have consequences.

Finally, you're using your neurodivergence as a crutch. I highly doubt that you have "crippling autsim" - I was offended the second I read that. Crippling means that you cannot function at all, and clearly if you were able to make and lose friends, or go to clubs, I doubt that's the case. If you want others to take you seriously, pick your words carefully and accurately, or else you'll be written off as exaggerating.
Yes, you have a disability, and it greatly impacts your life, especially in comparison to neurotypical people. But pointing out what a lost cause you are, despite living around other autistic people who you've no doubt seen struggle to survive in modern day culture? That's so shitty. You clearly have no want to even try. You insist there's no way anyone would understand, and you're probably right - the people most likely to understand you, your autistic (former) friends, have worked to find a way to live alongside neurotypicals while you've decided there's no point, and everyone else has to find a way to live with you.
Guess what? Expecting people to like you when you bring nothing to the table - and even create problems for them, such as what you did here - will only end with them pushing you away.
You have to adapt to have the common sense that's expected of everyone. I was only diagnosed autistic at 16, and I'm 27 now. It took me at least a decade of constant masking, watching and learning to adapt, and I still am working on it to this day, and will continue to for the rest of my life. This world was not created with neurodivergence in mind, so we have to try to fit in it. It sucks, but we live in a time with the most autism awareness and acceptance that has ever existed. There are so many tools that you have access to that it seems you have rarely or never touched in the 24 years you've been alive.