
Charlie_Im_Pregnant t1_j95y40c wrote

The Americans feels similar (80s nostalgia with great set / wardrobe / soundtrack etc) but it's much bleaker / darker (obviously, given the subject matter). Similar in that there's a focus on a young couple with lots of ups and downs, with a couple kids (though the kids play a bigger role than in HaCf). Also, similar 80s computer tech stuff.

Writing / acting are excellent.

Two of my favorite shows ever. I'm confident you'd like it, even if plot wise it's nothing like HaCf.


Charlie_Im_Pregnant t1_j5ujl0s wrote

Reaktor is sick but after fiddling with it for 5 years I must admit I still have no idea what I'm doing. I just fire it up and mess around until I stumble upon a happy accident.