
Chapman79 t1_iyi3d3o wrote

What you’ve described is almost exactly what I did in my bus with wood glue and pocket screws. I used dimensional 2x2 as it’s stronger than the framing stuff. It has held up over more than 6,000 miles now. The 3/4 ply on top is overkill in my opinion. Use a good quality ACX and you’ll be fine with .5”. I used .5” on top and bottom of the 2x2 frame. There’s been no sag and I’d guess it’s holding 60-70 lbs plus the forces of driving.


Chapman79 t1_iya1n01 wrote

For the same reason human mothers can often pump more than their baby needs and donate (or store) the excess. The amount you (or the cow) can produce depends on the age and size of the baby and how much stimulation the breast/udder receives.