
CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jac4og0 wrote

Of course, no game should need to use ads to get any revenue. On the other hand, I paid for an incomplete game with features I can not use unless I pay for a membership to engage with multiplayer. I dunno who started this advertisement in mobile games, nor am I a fan of it, but as you and others mentioned, people see mobile games not on the same level as Pc or console games. Why is that?


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jac1a7i wrote

I am trying to. Therefore, most of my games are premium. They aren't as good as a AAA title, but I enjoy making games. I want to continue making ad free content, when there are more people like you willing to pay for a game before playing it. But this would mean making lots of video content to make people engage with it. I wished we were back in the old days as we had only a box cover to tell us if a game is good or not :D


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jac12tu wrote

I tried to put my games on Steam, but I only paid the money (100$) and was not allowed to upload. Dunno why.

Mobile games are fun as well. And I enjoy being tasked to make a game which you can enjoy everywhere. I think you can enjoy a lot of the premium apps you can find online. The accessability is higher with mobile games. You can connect to even more people with them and people tend to keep these mobiles in their surrounding. Never saw anyone taking his Game Set Up with them :D I am sad that so many people tend to see mobile games as being something less worthy. There are honest people out there expressing their ideas and artistic nature with these. But in contrast to that big companies trying to find ways to make players pay more for less (Mobile Diablo game, I mean, does Blizzard NEED to be like that? They could have been proven being a game company is not about following the mind set of greed.)

And, this was maybe true in the past, mobile games are easier to create while being on its own :D I am an artist, writer and programmer.

Thank you for your comment :D


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jac0c25 wrote

Maybe you can buy my premium mobile games so I can get some cash? I made some games for Android. Can I play any game you made? Can I play it for free? Or are you just a consumer?


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jac056x wrote

Why. Do. I. Have. To. Make. My. Games. Free?

I just want to get a answer why ads are tolerated on mobile games but not in console games. Thank you for your time and effort convincing me that O should not add ads in my mobile games anymore.


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabzyew wrote

I do develop games on my own. This idea is horrible? Why do mobile games have to be free and with ads? And why has it to be marked as "advertisement" if someone like me puts a button into my game which directs you to other games I made? Can you tell me this, o wise man?


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabzqbk wrote

Why not? I am a gamer and a game developer. I pay for others people games but when I upload a mobile game which I made to pay my rent I am told to make it for free.

I will continue posting things on reddit, especially my content. Maybe someone is interested in my games and is checking my profile before telling me to stop posting.

This idea is a joke. On the other hand: Mobile games are made for a lot of platforms. When playing it on a smartphone you can most likely play it on a tablet as well. I would like to play Elden Ring on the go without the need to buy a set up for this because I already bought the game.


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabz7ua wrote

Why? Really, tell me why I do look stupid? Because I asked a question? Or because I scratched on the throne of games which aren't for mobile to become like mobile games? I was asked by people to make my games for free with ads. Why is any other game different?


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabxvil wrote

You are sort of right. As a developer of mobile games I try to understand why people are not willing to comment on, download or play my games. Sorry for luring you in.


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabxs0o wrote

I do own it. Bought it last year at release. I am no child but from a different country. And I do develop mobile games. Wanted to show the irony behind the idea of paying lots for console or pc games but being unwilling to pay 49 cents for a mobile game...


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabxnnm wrote

I do develop games on my own and there is never such a debate about my content.

Instead I got people who are willing to play my games. If they get them for free. I am annoyed by the kind people are treating mobile games. You are right, no game needs ads at all and I am sad that people are not willing to pay 1.49 for a game which might bring them joy for hours but expect mobile games to be free to play and such. I dislike the way of making money with IAPs or Ads, but the industry and the consumers tend to enjoy this.

I do enjoy paying for a good game more than being annoyed by ads, as we as everyone. Thank you for your reaction.


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabxakl wrote

I do create games on my own, being forced to start working on games with ads. So yeah, I am grown up. Thank you for commenting on this post, please check out my other stuff or at least the Wolfpit Games.


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jabx470 wrote

As a game developer for mobile devices I am frustrated that people do not want to pay for my games but are only interested in them if they are free. I do paid my games which I play, so yeah, label this as trolling.

It is astounding how many people reacted to this dumb post whithin a shorr period of time but aren't reacting when I post content.