
Bulbchanger5000 t1_jbmxdyu wrote

I feel this. I don’t go on FB often but I’ve seen how people I went to HS with in central Ohio were able to buy houses in that area years ago in their mid 20s. I’m 30 now and it could take my partner and I another 10 years to afford even smallest of houses in the SF Bay Area where I currently live if we’re lucky. We’re seriously considering moving to the Midwest at this point. Wouldn’t trade getting to spend my 20s here in California for much though. It’s been a lot of fun, but it seems like it has become impossible for a lot of normal people to ever settle down here.


Bulbchanger5000 t1_j9s3bvk wrote

My AP US history teacher in HS was an early boomer whose dad was a WWII vet. He said that his family lived in apartments when he was young because there was a big delay in getting all the housing funded by the GI bill built. I think a part of what encouraged the standardized housing neighborhoods like Levittown in the first place was that they needed to speed up production for all the demand generated from GIs that had come home.