
BulbasaurusThe7th t1_je630xt wrote

I agree that a school library not having a book is not banning. Also, a book being removed from a mandatory reading list is not banning.

The thing is, a parent should have a word in what they allow their children and what they don't. It's not a popular standpoint on reddit, I know that, but even parents you disagree with should not be forced to make their children "the community's property".
I don't have to agree with someone's politics, religion or wordview to admit that forcing their children to partake in things they are against is not a great idea.

It just opens the door to awful things. Many on this website are convinced that they themselves are right and others' kids NEED to be forced to live according to them. But those other people's views should be removed from the public discourse. So it's a lot of hypocricy.

Showing explicit descriptions of sexual acts to underage kids who are not allowed to say no is absolutely messed up. No matter what. I am not going to copy and paste things, but I am against that categorically


BulbasaurusThe7th t1_jclq6o4 wrote

Nah, I don't really care. There are a couple I happened to see/hear from more and I either like or dislike them, but it was never a choice I made, it just happened.

(I used to think Robin Hobb was a man. I don't really like her books at all, but for YEARS I assumed she was a man. Then again, I am not a native English speaker, so Robin sounded like a male name to me.)


BulbasaurusThe7th t1_it7l4vr wrote

Fun. I like having fun.
Now, I don't mean I only ever read happy books, but I enjoy ones where they have adventures and crazy exciting stuff happens.
I just get excited when there are big battles or chases or something cool. I also really love creatures, like monsters and fantastic animals. Ruins too!

I don't know, man, it's just the excitement of knowing that things that can't happen in real life can happen in a book.