
BodhiRomeo t1_iw8aw65 wrote

How is that different than what I said? Often their sources are biased opinion based and not actual impartial facts. They cherry pick to get the results they want. I have seen many snopes articles that were completely based in opinion but offered as fact.


BodhiRomeo t1_iw7jz37 wrote

The fact you need someone to link publicly available information is sad. Snopes uses opinion pieces to claim studies are false quite often. Studies aren't facts they are studies, disagreeing with the study isn't misinformation but saying a study is misinformation is denying science... Yes snopes failed the scientific method and posts misinformation quite often. Snopes is not a reliable source of information.


BodhiRomeo t1_iw7jalu wrote

What about when snopes is wrong? Snopes uses opinion sources as a reason to mark a story false quite often.

This post is marked partially as false, missing context, And misinformation.
