
BluenotesBb t1_je24ohm wrote

Gabby, thank you for putting this out there , elder care was a mess 20 yrs ago when I was a recreational therapist for a LTC facility, and I'm facing placing my dad in short term rehab this week, and it scares me. I am going back and forth from Yale New Haven and let me tell you, the care THERE is bordering horrendous.

The hospital is filthy, the 3 ppl in his room are not getting the care they deserve, in fact, it's bordering neglect and that's at Yale. No washing up, barely any pain control, they will not help him eat despite the broken arm, call bells are placed where he can't reach it, urine placed next to his food, same dirty foot print on the floor for 3 days ....I really could go on.

I expect less from the rehab and that's terrifying.


BluenotesBb t1_jdcqjj7 wrote

That trend actually started with defense attorneys, they believe the word RAPE, prejudices jurors automatically against the perp. This is why it is nearly always called sexual assault. It's been going on for at least a decade and started with attorneys not the press.
And it's been done to female victims as well as male. It has nothing to do with gender just protecting the one accused.