
Bldaz t1_j2dohq5 wrote

Silicone will start drying before you finish applying, tape will pull it off more the longer you wait. I don’t use tape My choice 1 -That needs to be cleared out first. 2-You can use a silicone grout that matches the existing grout or Try Amp caulking very little sag. Just a simple reminder there’s a 1/4-1/2 “ lip extending upward on that tub you can’t see. Curious if that sub floor is sagging


Bldaz t1_j0u9cbv wrote

The door handle has some integral flush bolts that latch in the center of the jamb. My guess is that when it was pushed downward it revolved too far. The post on taking the hinge pins out is the best bet then figure out how to release the latches once it’s off


Bldaz t1_ixwri41 wrote

You used a stud finder so you are on the wood guessing you didn’t predrill and studs split. It doesn’t take much to split fir.


Bldaz t1_ixlpphv wrote

Maybe it’s sheet foam pink and white? Wont hold nails semi hard or stiff but able to push in make dents? If it is drywall a big box of paste is 10 bucks large drywall blade same. Id get a hawk or trough to get the mud on the blade well. Try you hand at laying on new drywall paste flat.