
BlarghMachine t1_j6pjlw5 wrote

Regardless of change it’s so interesting that human arrogance believes these changes will benefit, sustain, or even spare us. The most realistic assumption is that we are being rejected, due to the damage we created, to reach equilibrium and start anew. Humans aren’t forever. Nothing is.


BlarghMachine t1_j6pjcoq wrote

Hold onto this comment. Genuinely. We are losing species to this - namely birds and pollinators (not just bees, bats too), natural disasters are getting worse and more frequent. We are currently projected to have the an unlivable planet by 2040 from those that researched this extensively for decades. This matches the projection that Exxon and shell’’s own scientists - as well as MIT - calculated using their own data. We’re projected to have an inability to reliably grow for even sooner. Not to mention the rise of fascism, the global pandemic that continues w 4000 deaths a week in the US alone, no mitigations, and no transmission stopping vaccine anywhere/worsening variants, and supply chain issues stemming from all these sources as well as a majority unwell and increasingly disabled workforce.

The reality of it feels like fear mongering because so much of it is oppressive to continued existence and hard to accept, but time will prove that we are headed toward societal and climate collapse.


BlarghMachine t1_iyah7sn wrote

I’ve never used really weed to “party” (I don’t really do enough to get silly high even tho I have the capacity to) it’s always felt regulatory. A way of resetting to zero - be it pain or anxiety - and refocusing to aid in functionality for me. Same goes for a lot of med patients. It’s nothing like it in process - but to me it’s like the difference between adderal for an ADHD brain vs a NT brain. Some ppl it’s super strong and altering/fun, and for other people it works w their brain less intensely and helps them feel “normal”. Tolerance also plays a major role.


BlarghMachine t1_iubykwi wrote

That’s literally what they do though. All charity is a tax write off. Amazon charities are also a joke, especially ones done through Amazon, as well as Bezos’ donations etc. But keep rounding up at rite aid so they can write it off their taxes and not have it manifest in any tangible way toward a charitable act proportionate to what they make on it. It’s about feeling better after all.


BlarghMachine t1_iu2kw2p wrote

Why the downvote? They’re literally playing to charge for boosters past November. It may get delayed but they’re going to... just like you can’t get free N95s anymore and rapid tests are unreliable/giving false negatives with the recent variants. My point is we’re in a bad spot with healthcare and it’s getting worse, so I wouldn’t expect improvement any time soon


BlarghMachine t1_its0rq6 wrote

An 18-wheeler sized hole that the presence of your car squeezing in makes a much smaller space, causing the car that was giving distance - for a reason - to slam on their brakes. Foolproof! Totally not an accident waiting to happen, but you know who cares if your car’s not involved.


BlarghMachine t1_isz13y4 wrote

Cat protectors - namely cat shield for the gen 2 Prius - in my experience deter theft pretty well for the price. Cages don’t work bc they’re easier/faster to cut. A sheet of metal bolted in would require lots of sawing to get to the cat, more to cut it out. Takes too much time when they can just pick an easier target/ not get a bunch of sparks flying in their (likely unprotected) face.


BlarghMachine t1_isga2u6 wrote

Being in a home and maintaining it requires a lot of knowledge. I grew up in an apartment, moved into illegal apartments that didn’t maintain or repair anything and never was given a crash course on what could go wrong in a home/what’s required to keep it functional. I always feel like it’s decently privileged to assume everyone should have basic knowledge - of anything really - because it’s all about our relative experience. I teach myself everything I know with the help of experts I’ve met and the internet, if I didn’t have those resources I’d be clueless. I’m still clueless about plenty I “should” know about bc I lack the access for those things to be relevant in my life.