
BillyRubin0707 t1_iycgfp4 wrote

I received a liver transplant last month and am looking for things like this to get into once I am healed. I love watching the Celtics, am really terrible at playing basketball, but would love to get invovled!


BillyRubin0707 t1_iwu0gew wrote

My fiancée and I live in the west end. Our best friend moved to Portland Maine a few weeks ago and we have yet to fill the void. I love FreePlay and pool, though I am also trash. I can’t drink on account of I am recovering from a liver transplant I received three weeks ago. But once I healthy and less immuno-compromised I would love to get out and meet new people!

I live right near Dexter Park. We have a dog and walk her through the park and take her to the Bell Street Dog Park. I also play piano and guitar and would be wicked into playing music with folks if there are any musicians.