
BeaverhausenA OP t1_j9rdgzb wrote

We won't have the droughts that the West have, but we're the garden state and are supposed to get water from rain, water from snow, benefit of the cold with the snow. We benefit from the snow melt process.

Certain crops are chosen by our climate pattern, the timing of our seasons, the cycle of cold, damp, moist, snow, warming. We really didn't get much water necessarily, difference between deep watering and sprinkling. Have you gardened? Grown plants? The difference is start.

Hopefully this aberration makes more people think about the environment and learn to favor concern for it.


BeaverhausenA OP t1_j9rbywu wrote

Moisture is swampy. I'm in Union County/Somerset border. That bitty rain just nurtured the weeds and gave the mosquito broods little pools.

We also need the cold. Plants sort of hibernate too. I need to get outside to trim plants, still fearing they will try to bloom, and plod through mushy grass.


BeaverhausenA OP t1_j9raxzp wrote

Is that you, Dad?

My father drove us crazy over HAVING to buy a fancy snow blower. He even made sure to finally get a new lock system for the garage to protect it. Not that even when we've left the garage door up, and not having had it locked for years, even as we openly stored lots of useful tools in it, was anything stolen.

I've never seen my father eager for one snow storm, hopeful for multiple snow storms.


BeaverhausenA OP t1_j9r7end wrote

My garden soil benefits from the hard freeze, weed suppression of the snow, bugs, etc. I also would spread some seeds during this time, food and landscape, knowing they'd have time to soften and then would bloom when "regular warming" occurred. Now I can't do that because they'd try to grow off schedule, likely then be killed in a freeze.

A lot of intentionally and naturally placed landscaping will try to bloom and end up being damaged, killed.


BeaverhausenA OP t1_j9pck06 wrote

We need the water to counter drought. Our landscape needs both the cold and the added water. Lack of hard freeze means more weeds and mosquitoes/bugs.

The places we are in are shaped by the climate patterns. We have crops that are popular here because of that pattern. We have plants and animals that depend on it.

Too many humans forget we are part of the environment, not just the concrete and steel.