
BartholomewBandy t1_j6p9bih wrote

More or less. He would come back occasionally to eat on the basement overhang, but if we grabbed him, he’d yowl till we let him out. He might be gone for weeks at a time. We grabbed him when we moved, and he retired to life on the couch. We undoubtedly removed him from his secondary families. Lefty was a good cat and the first to love on our dogs.


BartholomewBandy t1_j4boigp wrote

This is the answer. McCarthy has no room to negotiate, he has no control of the crazy right and is very likely to fuck up our credit rating as a country, here in the next few weeks. In chaos is opportunity, and here he is, the previous weakest speaker in our times… He should have gone into the cannabis business, like that hypocrite Boehner.