
BaltimoreBanksy t1_jdcmx3s wrote

Bubba Gump has been closed for more than a year FYI. Hooters is legit the only thing left in that Harborfront building.

That said, I think most of the Inner Harbor is for tourists. People who come into the city from elsewhere and are looking for things that feel familiar. It’s that and empty storefronts. I agree with everyone suggesting that you bop over the Fells.


BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jd8zb22 wrote

Last summer my husband climbed up and put black contact paper on the part of the light that faces our house to help dim it. We have cafe lights, so the blinding LED is really unnecessary- especially given that it is directly outside our bedroom window. Kinda feels like the city didn’t really consider the residents living next to these lights before deciding that we all needed 10,000 lumens.