
Alternative_Log3012 t1_j9qoqm7 wrote

Machine learning researchers and engineers understand the structure of their models, just not what each individual weighting is (there can be millions or more) for each simulated neuron, as these are found by a training process (which again is something known to the creator or team of creators) using known information.

The above process can literally be achieved by a complex calculator and is in no way deserving of ‘rights’


Alternative_Log3012 t1_j9qkndj wrote

None of this (absolute drivel) is a good argument for giving robots ‘rights’.

There isn’t any possibility of true consciousness from a computer.

At most, if robots are created somewhat anthropomorphically, regulate how humans interact with them publically so as not to outrage common decency (ie not make other humans uncomfortable).

Actually assigning rights to a computer itself shows a poor understanding of what a computer is…