
AlleyGreen23 t1_je2mvst wrote

I honestly don’t recall the details, but I trust your word. And can contest 99% of the class drew the character as a bug.

The instructor was kinda religious and was hilarious seeing his face in disgust with the drawing of the diapered dude who shit himself. I don’t think that guy got an A but it was pretty funny.


AlleyGreen23 t1_je1bbez wrote

In college we had to illustrate this for a project. One classmate did his take on it that was absolutely hilarious and very different from the rest.

He drew the perspective that it was just a crazy ass human, not a bug, just laying there in bed who’d soiled himself wearing an adult diaper.

The look on the instructors face was absolutely priceless.


AlleyGreen23 t1_j5wdkgw wrote

Yes, Zuckerberg had condiments on his bookshelves in a web call shown early pandemic.

I however have 4 book racks in my house. Mainly full. Not one is in my home office for web calls lol. Instead I have a fake background concealing my need to paint. Which is killing me because I just want to read my books :) I even have classics. For aesthetic and to read. But not where they are seen on calls haha. Of course I did just move here last year so there’s that.


AlleyGreen23 t1_j5wd07v wrote

I think we all have the issue a bit. Have you tried Wikipedia or some summary site overview simply to brief you, not to cheat? Then explore areas of the book and see if it gets more interesting. It may be a terrible start to the book. It’s really hard to be interested in anything if you are confused or can’t follow it. Names are a killer for me. I forget them and can’t follow the plot sometimes. Movies and books. Others I’m hooked.