
9Wind t1_j6zcwkb wrote

Mormonism is a strain of american pseudohistory like the hoteps

They say the aztecs were a lost jewish tribe, quetzacoatl was jesus, native americans are red because they are cursed by god, and a lot of other racist attacks on history. During the time mormonism rose, it was one of many ideas trying to justify genocide.

Saying mormonism is a continuation is like saying the third reich is just a contuation of the 2nd reich ignoring all the things that made the 3rd reich unique like racial essentialism and pseudoscience ideas on race.


9Wind t1_j6wl0rq wrote

That is a very abrahamic view on religion that thinks every religion acts like the abrahamic religions common to Europe, and ignores mormonism's creation by rewriting the history of indigenous people for financial gain and racism.

Mormonism is closer to the Hoteps saying native americans were black settlers from of a long lost black empire than it is a religion.


9Wind t1_j6mcdzx wrote

You ever see the another American see the difference in how other countries treat identity and cause a culture shock that can seen on a richter scale?

I can imagine an American showing his "23 and me" results saying he is proud to be 90% German and Germans looking in horror thinking he is some kind of race purist because other cultures care about cultural knowledge and language skills to call yourself something instead of genetics.

You see this talked about a lot on indigenous and Mexico subs with American expats, but I wonder if European countries have the same problem.


9Wind t1_j6m1shl wrote

Its like reddit thinks nothing outside of America exists and American politics is the only thing that exists so its the same thing everywhere.

Telling an American their political opinion would be seen as conservative or far right in another country will make them short circuit too.

It would be fun to do if it wasn't every thread.


9Wind t1_j6lv7j3 wrote

Best I can do is 6C, take it or leave it. I need to call an expert in to check if we are still meeting international agreements and buy a frame for the collapse of civilization.

You know how it is. /s

Seriously, we were fucked the moment those scientists started killing themselves and crying when showing their new data.


9Wind t1_j28hcfx wrote

> The law dramatically expands the media regulator's powers and gives it the authority to shut down news sites that are not officially registered as media without a court ruling. 

> In July the European Federation of Journalists urged the Ukrainian authorities to withdraw the draft media law. The federation said that the law contained "many provisions that are contrary to European values."

That is yikes. Anyone that comes in later on could abuse that.


9Wind t1_j0s9il0 wrote

AMLO wants to "develop" the Yucatan with a tourism train, forcing it to be built by the military instead of the company that won the contract.

This train runs through archeological sites, which angers the population of the Yucatan which a large chunk is Mayan.

Archeologists are rushing to excavate sites before the government comes and tears them down.

What is not covered:

The Yucatan and Chiapas have a long history of attacking the Mexican government for intruding on its territory and heritage, and peace has only happened when the government does not touch the Yucatan at all.

With racism against indigenous in Mexico increasing with "whitexicans" showing up to disrespect Mayan sites, this can very easily start another caste war or Chiapas rebellion.

This is probably why AMLO brought in the military to build it, he is trying to start an incident with the Mayans in Mexico.

You can only guess the reason why.


9Wind t1_iuh3tmk wrote

Its really telling when Russia bombs important infrastructure and not bombing kids its still useless on a military level because its a childish tantrum.

It spends months bombing playgrounds, and when it hits actual infrastructure its so far behind the front line its only use is to tell Ukraine how butt hurt Russia is right now. Bombing Kyiv isn't going to help them win in Donbas.

This isnt a professional army attacking logistics, these are just petty man children who used to be Soviet officers if you look up their military history who toss missiles in a tantrum.

These toddlers had their finger on the button for the entire cold war, its amazing the world survived if this is how they act.