
3wteasz t1_j5k5r7q wrote

Thanks for this differentiated response. I am thinking that what actually divides us is that we don't listen to others and the we see the "otherness" instead of the commonalities. Put white people into a bad neighborhood without fathers and you get the same problems as with other ethnicities. It seems that not the ethnicity is/has a problem, but that people are in bad places and that it's mostly minority ethnicities that are in bad places. For instance, if you are ethnic Russian in Eastern Estonia, you'll have a worse chance in this society than "pure" Estonians. So I am then wondering why it's race that is used to explain differences? And why is it that when social scientist speak about diversity, they don't abide by the statistical standards that exist, eg, in the actual diversity science (ecology). These shitty figures just plant weird ideas into the mind of anybody that doesn't fully understand ALL of those issues, and that's most people... Idk, I am simply not convinced it's a good solution to constantly tell people about their differences.


3wteasz t1_j5j10ww wrote

Sorry my man, I am not on a high horse for pointing out that Americans are on one.

Also, you're good at mixing up stuff and twisting words. I first complained about these graphs and about this constant need to point out racial differences and then, after being approached by this other dude with his exceptionalistic argument, said that his exceptionalism, the way they implied that the US society is without flaws, makes it hard for him to see my point. So I don't get your argument..

Edit: also, I hate speaking about "Americans", because my Mexican friends are totally different than the typical US-American we are talking here and I don't want to generalize in that way.


3wteasz t1_j5ixpgd wrote

Stop the meaningless slogans and provide examples. And get your mind into the shoes of other people. I am not "American" and I am for sure not right winged. The discussions about race in the US are annoyingly toxic, your society is divided beyond repair. I have no way myself because in my society racism is not as big a problem and the solutions don't require us to constantly reemphasize that there are so an so many others.

You should shut up and instead of constantly reiterating anachronistic facts about your outdated believe system, you should start asking yourself some harder questions. It's apparent that the current attempt has failed!


3wteasz t1_j5it90z wrote

You also need to be smart enough to be able to read the room, that you cause more damage than what you solve with your horrendous attempt. And btw, there is no guarantee that you are the smart one just because somebody dumber criticizes you. There are many things wrong in the US society and unfortunately your exceptionalism is not only one of them, it also keeps you from recognizing all the others.