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voiceof3rdworld t1_j20vk7g wrote

Then why didn't the West simply stop buying Russian oil in February last year? Obviously the supply isn't enough to last all Western countries if they don't buy Russian oil. Especially given the oil cuts OPEC plus made. If there was plenty like you say, they would have made a ban not a price cap. Now prices will increase and more money will flow into the cophers of the Kremlin basically, the west creating the opposite of its intended outcome..


obliviousjd t1_j20y4o3 wrote

This might come as an absolute shock to you. But real life isn't a video game, production takes time to ramp up, and for the last year that is exactly what the west has been doing.


[deleted] t1_j20zrxj wrote



obliviousjd t1_j210ept wrote

Amazing, everything you just said was wrong.


[deleted] t1_j210icy wrote



obliviousjd t1_j2114a9 wrote

Seriously Google is free. Takes 2 seconds to look up global Oil Production is up. But if that's too much work for you then you can go on believing whatever narrative suits your world view.


Radditbean1 t1_j20zo5a wrote

Russias oil price went down, it's lost 20% since Dec 2nd.


voiceof3rdworld t1_j2114q6 wrote

Oil prices this year have been still much higher the last couple years even if they went down 20 percent. This year had a mean average of 94.07 dollars per barrell.
