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NetherPortals t1_iy0v29o wrote

Well, China absolutely are more jerks to Canada than Canada are to China.


adamjm t1_iy0xu8k wrote

That applies to China vs the world. It is very clear what life would be like under their rule and no thanks.


[deleted] t1_iy1f89q wrote



Overdose7 t1_iy2ak7o wrote

> "Let's talk about Canada and China."

> "But what about America!!"

Thanks for your contribution.


[deleted] t1_iy2zyao wrote



[deleted] t1_iy1h5nv wrote



Fojar38 t1_iy1zhrg wrote

The charges were from the state of New York, not federal, and Meng Wanzhou had been being investigated since the Obama administration. The idea that Canada was just a patsy of the USA was literally the Chinese propaganda line for all this and it was really shitty as a Canadian to be thrown under the bus by Americans repeating that line just so they could try and dunk on Trump.

And China themselves didn't even really believe it, otherwise they wouldn't have gone after Canadians in China as their revenge.


Realist12b t1_iy3j1z8 wrote

They did go after Canadians? Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.