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readerOP t1_jedxkt5 wrote

>African National Congress

basically the same as Indian National Congress. A lot of old parties are royally pissed off at current BJP govt for trying to distance India from Russia. As soon as BJP is ousted there will be major overhauls in EA to bring back the balance. Thankfully socialist wings of american media is very understanding and supportive of this. The reason is BJP is heavily pro towards neolib and conservative wings of USA and turning India into something that US can use the shoulders of to shoot at China, which in the longer turn is detrimental to India as it will be forced into conflicts with China and US has a track record of backstabbing their allies, so it's better for the future of India to not get into conflict with China or Russia and let the power of US war hawks dwindle instead. Modi is trying every propaganda to avoid this, but hopefully he will get kicked out in 2024 and we can distance ourselves from US to avoid war(doesn't have to be conventional).