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High-Scorer-001 t1_jadesjc wrote

It's insane how homosexuality has somehow become an evil western influence. Russia is guilty of this kind of propaganda, too.


PEVEI t1_jadr6er wrote

The irony is that the virulent anti-gay stance in Uganda is the real Western influence, specifically from decades of right wing Christian missionaries.

Russia, being Russia, takes that pulls a DARVO.


Rainbow-Death t1_jae7ep1 wrote

Yeah, I was in the navy and many guys from Uganda can (could? Maybe not anymore?) join the armed forces for citizenship and they were openly disgusted to any openly gay service member. The higher ups had a thought time when shit went down and they wanted to follow regulations while staying sympathetic to these indoctrinated homophobes.

What did I witness? Once some guy had his “rack” poured cooking oil in to- sounds stupid but when you’re out in deployment and you’re not hitting port it could be emotionally distressing. The rest were just nasty/crude/harassment of one type or another.


Floodtoflood t1_jae9tyf wrote

Fucking weird that all the evil homosexual states are also the ones with the highest living standards


skiptobunkerscene t1_jaelrs8 wrote

Where do you think its coming from? 70% of age old local cultural prejudice/homophobia + 30% of it from modern day russian propaganda pushing. All part of their anti western propaganda push especially in Africa.


Temporala t1_jaevcl0 wrote

Ugandan homophobia was imported there from United States, by rich ultra-conservative evangelicals.

They offered money and told that in exchange for that, "you could wink wink make life harder for dem gays, because Jesus says so and so do we". They took the bribes and began to pursue that policy. It's sick. Those maggots bribed a government to abuse and kill its own citizens, for not reason at all.


dowhatmelo t1_jaf4x64 wrote

I mean you can't deny that it's far more prevalent in western media than it is in the real world.
