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heyiambob t1_j2crsy5 wrote

Does anyone else feel like DC really needs to construct overhead stop lights? I often hear visitors mention how they don’t see the stoplights off on the side.

That said, sounds like it wouldn’t have helped in this case.


TalonKAringham t1_j2dg6dt wrote

The first time I drove a vehicle in DC, I think I ran or almost ran somewhere around 5 stop lights. I couldn’t even tell you specifically why, but something about the lights confused the mess out of me. Add on that the uncommon angles of some intersections (at least compared to rural/suburban towns), and things like “roundabouts” except with traffic lights, it was not a recipe for a good time on my part.


Arqlol t1_j2dc7zw wrote

Stop lights should be like in London. On the near side of the intersection so you can only see them if you haven't bundled your way into the crosswalk / intersection. People are encouraged to creep forward with lights opposite the intersection.


waitwhatttt t1_j2dgrdu wrote

I google imaged London traffic light to see what you are referring to and found this. I was concerned for a moment.

edit: forgot a word


Arqlol t1_j2dh8p7 wrote

Haha that's funny, showed up on a search for me too.

Just imagine if you drive into the cross walk you can no longer see the light because it's on the near side of the intersection. So you have to stay out of the cross walk and intersection to know when the light changes. No blocking the box, crosswalk, or ridiculous creeping forward when perpendicular traffic goes yellow.


Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_j2dj9tz wrote

I’ve been noticing that on Connecticut and Wisconsin Avenues particularly - they haven’t been trimming trees/boughs and it’s actually obstructing some of the traffic lights. Reminds me to 311 some stuff. Thank you!