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spince t1_ixyod5g wrote

we made similar observations when we returned to socal for the summer. Every single time someone slowed to allow us to merge or waved us in we were like holy shit it's so much better here!

a lot of cognitive dissonance because our memories were that driving in socal sucked but realizing now it's because of traffic not because most of the other drivers think they're demolition derby racers


dayinnight t1_ixz7012 wrote

I remember when I first got to San Diego, my car stalled at a stop light. Instead of honking, the cars behind me just drove around me. I was stunned at the lack of honking and angry swear words as drivers passed. Another time, I stopped because there was an injured dog in the road. As I got out to go rescue the little guy, other drivers just...stopped and waited. Whaaaat...


idkman_93 t1_iy002ph wrote

That’s that patented SoCal chill for ya