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PlanesFlySideways t1_iuh0n8x wrote

Nvidia 12 pin connector on the new 4090s are a fire hazard. I expect some increasingly negative news in the near future.


Valkanaa t1_iuhtdnw wrote

As fun as it is to drink the Hatorade that's hardly the issue. PC sales are flat/declining and AMD now offers largely equivalent cards


PlanesFlySideways t1_iuhwaie wrote

This is wallstreetbets. Who's trading fundamentals lol? It's all hype and scares around here.

Happy halloween.


Valkanaa t1_iujr7y8 wrote

Clearly I missed the exit on Meme and 4th. I'd love to trade successfully on short term market action, how does that work when you hear it early/late here?


teewelk OP t1_iuh10vo wrote

Yeah I saw that this weekend. I think the event is isolated and not mainstream. Seems to affect how the cable is bent.


PlanesFlySideways t1_iuh1pln wrote

Go check out r/nvidia

When gamers nexus gets involved asking for info, there's something going on. Just stay aware :)


t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iuh2dhd wrote

Besides that, think of what purpose they are serving currently with AI even without the 4090's


CodingDrive t1_iuhmorj wrote

People are posting burnt/melted connectors each day. It’s more likely than not the majority of cables are bent just because that’s how PC builders manage their cables. Simply not enough clearance between graphics card cable and side panel