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jr1tn t1_je99w83 wrote

Options are for sophisticated investors with detailed understanding of how complex securities such as options work. This is not meant as a criticism of OP but as a comment on options and who should be trading them. If you are trading them without understanding the risks involved then you are flying blind and should look elsewhere.


Money_trees_planted OP t1_je9a90q wrote

I understand, and I have a complex understanding of securities trading. However I know there’s a potential for multiple scenarios to play out, and just wanted to see what the opinion of everyone was. I can change the flair to YOLO if that is more fitting for my post.


VisualMod t1_je9976k wrote

>The UBS buyout won't have any impact on your contracts since they are not directly related to the bank.


wallstreetbets-ModTeam t1_je9a3z7 wrote

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This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include:

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Dan_inKuwait t1_je9a6sa wrote

Step 1:call your brokerage

Step 2:tell them you lied when you told them you understood how options work

Step 3:throw yourself at their mercy


0x11C3P t1_je9a995 wrote

UBS is buying CS stock for $3bn in an all stock transaction.

That should be enough to tell you what happens to CS stock let alone it's options.


Money_trees_planted OP t1_je9al41 wrote

Well then I will just go fuck my self then. Thanks everyone!