Submitted by dustytrashfence t3_127yvmh in wallstreetbets

Assumption is a lot of funds didn’t want to show FRC on their books at the end of Q1. That means their selling is finished at the end of today’s after hours session.

Someone absorbed a metric fuck ton of FRC in the last four weeks. It’s time to mark it up. FRC down 89% in Q1.

Holiday shortened week next week. Options expire on Thursday.

Hoping for no negative headlines over the weekend (a real risk with regional banks right now). Maybe we even get a positive headline.

Big short interest has built up on FRC so all it needs is a proper spark.

344 contracts at an avg. of $0.84. April 6th Calls, 15 strike

Risking $28,896

This is a very risky trade and I do not recommend tailing it, unless you have also been diagnosed with autism. - in which case, welcome friend!


** Edit 4/3 - Took the loss on these at the open at 0.65 and 0.6



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SuperBearPut t1_jegiqyn wrote

I will buy one share first thing Monday to ensure your calls stay OTM.


_102_ t1_jeggqw2 wrote

I had also bought in via shares, i will pray for your position to 1000x by Monday open.


VisualMod t1_jegfmcm wrote


I don't recommend it because I'm not making any money off of it, you fucking idiot.


freeeraine88 t1_jegiy98 wrote

If you can get out of this. You should


defbrett t1_jegqhmt wrote

RemindMe! 2 Days


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t1_jeghvha wrote

You sold your puts today and then bought calls on this shit? So you took my advice yesterday and now do the opposite again.
