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Notwerk t1_irpt3te wrote

Name a republican that isn't a pile of shit. I'll wait.


OathOfFeanor t1_irpyahx wrote

Abraham Lincoln?


Notwerk t1_irpzl14 wrote

Got me, but if you have to go back to the first Republican president, I'm not sure what that says about the current state of the Republican party.

To keep things on topic, George W. Bush twice vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act that MJF supported and that might have helped create new treatments for Parkinson's and other diseases.


OathOfFeanor t1_irpzsy4 wrote

Not sure that is on topic for a Comic Con clip of two famous actors, but yes fuck George Bush for that. He set back research at least a decade.


relator_fabula t1_irqcxs4 wrote

Technically correct, but Lincoln was a liberal. The parties slowly flip-flopped over the course of several years after the civil war.


high_revs t1_irsdtxd wrote

Lincoln was still kind of a pile of shit. He didn't set the slaves free because of the goodness in his heart after all.


roguespectre67 t1_irq4l2j wrote

Isn't Arnold Schwarzeneggar a Republican? I was too young to understand much when he was the Governator here in California but even if we disagree on some policy items, the guy really seems like a solid dude.


imurphs t1_irq7iyr wrote

Arnold is a bit odd. He’s a Republican, but he also seems to hold a lot of traditionally democrat beliefs. He was (at least originally, idk about now) against gay marriage, but was against a border wall, was shockingly pro-environment (at least compared to republicans in general), proposed universal health insurance in CA, and was pretty outspoken against trump.

Kind of hard to nail him down honestly, but Democrats would probably say he’s a moderate/centrist Republican, and Republicans would probably say he’s a democrat given he didn’t fall in line with trump and was pro-climate.


Zosimoto t1_irqdr15 wrote

This really highlights a lot of the problems of our system, that it's considered strange when a politician has stances outside of the dogmatic party line.


Caelum_ t1_irr1xri wrote

Harry Reid had an A NRA rating for a long time when he was still in office. Nancy Pelosi was one of the only people if not the only person in San Francisco to have a concealed carry permit (she gave it up in like 2007 or something)


IvarTheBloody t1_irqxjl3 wrote

Yeah how strange that a politician can actually have a original thought and make his own mind up about something.

It's fucking sad when the best democratic system we can seem to come up with is two options.

You get more choices in condoms than you do politicians.


upvoter1542 t1_irpwsry wrote

That's a tough challenge, I'm not sure many exist. I will say that I don't mind Mitt Romney. I don't really agree with him on most points, and I wish he would stand up for his beliefs more strongly, but I also don't think he's a pile of shit.


1Mn t1_irq482y wrote

No, he most definitely is.


LordCharidarn t1_irq7gpb wrote

He willingly associates with the Republican Party.

He’s a pile of shit.


Alexstarfire t1_irptjr4 wrote

If we name ones that are mountains of shit does that still count?
