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truckingon t1_j0ze55f wrote

Some possibilities: 100 ugly cell phone towers and the access roads needed to build and service them, ongoing subsidies to attract operators, other/better uses for $51 million.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j0zgktc wrote

> better uses for $51 million.

Heck they gave a shit ton to our CUD to bring out fiber and while yes they are very slowly doing so the monthly fees are insane! Over a hundred a month for 250/250 and what a load of shit 79.99 a month for 50/50!!!! Was hoping to switch from Starlink once we got fiber but nope fuck that.


OrdinaryTension t1_j0zrlkd wrote

Starlink is $110 and with the current over-subscriptions, their rate has fallen to something around 65/15. 250/250 is still a much better deal.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j0zwgh7 wrote

Ya I keep hearing this not for me though. And how can 250/250 for over a hundred bucks be a good deal in any world for fiber? Fiduim is about 70 for a gig same with BTC. EVFiber is 134 for a gig way too much IMO and VTell is 39.95 right now for a gig. With the tax pay payer funds they have been getting they should pass it on.

And for the Starlink stuff just ran a test while making this reply 205/18 and here is the link before you call BS it's timestamped too.


OrdinaryTension t1_j0zyaep wrote

I was seeing speeds around 75/20 when I cancelled starlink in August. Sometimes it would go up to maybe 120/20, but it depended on the time of day. For some unknown reason it would also drop out for a couple of minutes around 2pm each day, We get 40/20 from TMobile, it's more consistent and a lot cheaper.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j0zzhvy wrote

40/20 would kill me got 5 kids all with toys we need the bandwidth. Going on about a year now with Starlink no issues with slowing speeds at all. In fact it's has gotten a bit faster now. Sometime in the last few weeks it started spending a fair part of the day pointed more easterly instead of north. Getting to some unused sats over the Atlantic would be my guess.


murrly t1_j0zkra1 wrote

If they were wind towers with cell towers attached would it make it better? /s


truckingon t1_j0zlv58 wrote

I offered some possible reasons, not an opinion. I don't know if you can co-locate cell antennas and wind turbines; anyway, large-scale wind projects appear to be dead in Vermont.

I do have an opinion, though, the state should prioritize bringing broadband internet service over cable/fiber to rural areas way ahead of cell service.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j0zmviq wrote

I think the blades would cause interference of some type but anyways there are not too many here now and I think you are right about any future projects being dead. And the state/fed is subsidizing the heck out expansion but it should come with price caps or something. I mean as I wrote above 70 a month for 50/50 on fiber?? Whats the point can do better t-mobile home net or similar for less. Heck even DSL 80/20 is about 40 out this way.


Loudergood t1_j11k98l wrote

I work for a company that had an access point on a wind tower and vibration was an issue.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j13jfit wrote

Interesting. I had always thought perhaps the blades would block the RF depending on the materials used but I can see this for sure. Thanks.