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fergal-dude t1_j0n8sju wrote

I’ll just lump this in with all the other bozo ‘fuck whatever’ stickers on their car. Low class. Have a little care about kids reading that. I’ll also judge these people freely, it’s like they want you to by displaying something like that so proudly.


tyguyS4 t1_j0nh8pb wrote

When I was kid, which wasn't all that long ago, seeing the word "fuck" out in public usually meant some edgy 13 year old got their hands on a can of spray paint. Those kids grew up to form their whole political views around one man's personality.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j0nnjmz wrote

I mean I’d rather my kid see fuck than the “I eat ass” decals and stickers


fergal-dude t1_j0nnx1w wrote

Do we have to choose? Obviously you can put whatever you want on your car, but let’s think about other people. Sometimes it’s necessary to push boundaries, sometimes it’s just tasteless. More and more often, tasteless seems to be chosen.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j0nz61n wrote

No disagreement from me there. I keep my fuck Biden sticker where any true Vermont does, in my garage. I’ll never put a political bumper sticker or lawn sign up. Haha


TransientMoth t1_j0pguzz wrote

It’s like those trashy ‘if you’re going to ride my ass at least pull my hair’ bumper stickers. Barf.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j0nbbk7 wrote

god forbid kids see a swear sometimes

please!!! think of the children!!!

that said basically any bumper sticker is a big red flag


fergal-dude t1_j0ncso1 wrote

Again, just a matter of class.


somedudevt t1_j0o1kt6 wrote

A matter of class? How so? As a Child Free person who grew up swearing, I don’t get the reason why we give 2 fucks if kids use the full English language. It’s moronic to pretend that they won’t swear, and you would be hard pressed to find an adult who never does, so what’s the point of sheltering the little air breathers from it?

Worth noting studies have shown that people who swear are both statistically more intelligent, and happier than those who don’t. So why do you want to raise unhappy idiots?


fergal-dude t1_j0odjez wrote

Sounds like your mind is made up, I’m not interested in changing it. I will say that children will be exposed to many things, but there are still quite a few thing I won’t discuss or expose them to personally. Children reading that stuff was a silly little detail I added, which I apparently shouldn’t have as it’s derailed the discussion.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0r2ayl wrote

> Worth noting studies have shown that people who swear are both statistically more intelligent, and happier than those who don’t.

As someone who swears like a sailor at times, I had never bothered to look this up. Now that I have I will bust out the various studies when people tell me to watch my language.