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Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jach9qb wrote

For context this number is not really what it seems I think most of these students are in border areas. Many kids in my district go to high school in NH as it's about 30 mins closer than anything else. More necessity than choice sometimes.


HeadPen5724 t1_jacmzpm wrote

Many also go to school in Canada because it’s closer. This idea that students going out of state or even out of country is bad, is a distraction.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jacnnj2 wrote

It's such a regular normal thing that has been going on for ages can't remember the name but that school in Canada even sends a bus to Newport or Derby to collect the students. Wonder how that worked during covid though with the border closure?


HeadPen5724 t1_jacoc6v wrote



GreenPL8 t1_jadjvwz wrote

Honestly looks like a really good school, with opportunities for clubs and sports that a local school wouldn't even have the population to support.


Cease_Cows_ t1_jacqitt wrote

Sure that's true in a lot of cases, but it's not uncommon for second home owners to have one parent claim residency in their ski house to get payment for out of state private schools that their kids were attending anyway. I don't want to thow the baby out with the bathwater, but I also don't want to pay for a rich person to send their kid to an elite boarding school. Especially when that kid/rich person aren't even really part of my community in the first place.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jactdcg wrote

Sounds again like an enforcement issue.


Cease_Cows_ t1_jad6yyj wrote

Not sure how it's an enforcement issue? It's perfectly legal to do which is why we need new legislation to close some of these loopholes.


GreenPL8 t1_jadjrj0 wrote

Residency requirements are enforceable.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jad8ese wrote

No it is absolutely not legal in anyway shape or form. You admitted so yourself by saying they "claim" residency at a ski house. VT has residency rules. They are breaking them by "claiming" residency.

Enforcement is the issue here. These folks if they are doing as you claim should be forced to repay the state.