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joeydokes t1_j8nrpbk wrote

Appreciate your kind words!

I don't know if its any different now than back in the 90's, but there is/was some degree of entrenchment at work.

In the case of Ag, it was those in position at the Farm Bureau, Coop extension and the State, whose focus was so narrow that they could not think outside the box. Granted, their constituency was probably the most anti-change, 'aint broke, don't fix' group to walk/work the earth. Understandably so, considering how little is actually in their perview of control.

Just pressing for things like crop rotation, low-till no-till, ... was a herculean task! So, advocates could only really push for what their audience was ready to hear.

These days, minds are much more open I suspect.


[deleted] t1_j8nule4 wrote

"These days, minds are much more open I suspect."

I sure hope that you are right. Even if they are, there still needs to be a lot more education on the topic(s), and hopefully these conversations today helped in that regard.