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Altreus t1_j6hqrdo wrote

Ah! Elegance and class and astounding good taste, fellow redditor! It's What We Want To Believe and today is the day I finally discovered what they're saying.

In my defence, I'm pretty sure he's actually saying crown cuckoo love, which is just as nonsense if you don't know the phrase.


Mudders_Milk_Man t1_j6hrg2q wrote

Nice to see another fan of a sadly underappreciated band.

Rob Dickinson (the lead singer) said it's 'Cloud Cuckoo Land', and the lyrics sheet also has that.


Altreus t1_j6hu6lg wrote

Highly underrated. Shame they disbanded almost at the same time I discovered them


Mudders_Milk_Man t1_j6hunyj wrote

Have you heard Rob Dickinson's solo album? There's some nice tracks on it. "The End of the World' is beautiful.


Altreus t1_j6jo7ni wrote

Negative. Glad we live in an era of streaming services!