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ComprehensiveFlan638 t1_j8qt5lu wrote

Makes you wonder how desperate the first person was who finally discovered a safe way to way to eat the nut.


DearFeralRural t1_j8qv05t wrote

Like who decided to eat what came out of a chickens bum. Lol


[deleted] t1_j8rsh5m wrote

Eggs have been eaten by predators for millions, perhaps billions of years. They aren't exactly uncommon


QuickToJudgeYou t1_j8ri2ip wrote

Probably observed other animals eating eggs and went for it.


walruskingmike t1_j8t3vqo wrote

That's assuming that humanity's ancestors didn't already eat them.


QuickToJudgeYou t1_j8t4b8e wrote

Well at one point I would think the cognitive level of humans got the point of "should I eat that?" And they would question what they have done in the past.


walruskingmike t1_j8t5eua wrote

Well sure. That's what we're doing right now. There just may not have been one person who went "I'm gonna try that egg thing" for the first time.


HunterKiller_ t1_j8v5wim wrote

I was so puzzled for a second coz I thought you meant chicken shit lmao


neelankatan t1_j8yq1wo wrote

I bet someone tried that to at some point but it didn't quite catch on


crambree t1_j938a6g wrote

A lot of animals eat the eggs of their pray. No doubt human animals saw that and copied. Then decided to heat it up like we did with other animal products.


nerdychick22 t1_j8s90ii wrote

Probably a similar storry with making ackee edible in Jamaica (not ripe is somewhat poisonus). If you have a whole lot of something you start wondering how it can be used or changed to be useable, and people start experimenting.


Banjo_Pobblebonk t1_j8zm9b5 wrote

Reminds me of how blackbean and burrawang seeds used to be a staple food along the east coast of Australia, despite the fact that when improperly processed they're loaded with neurotoxins.


bparry1192 t1_j8ury2b wrote

For me it's the relatively complex to make foods like cheese, wine, soy sauce how the fuck did peeps invent these 17 step processes to make food, while their 11 children all have some disease that could be solved by hand washing


Excellent_Taste4941 t1_j8sribu wrote

Probably found the thing popped up in the fire after he tossed what was left of the fruit he just ate