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[deleted] OP t1_j6lt4fj wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j6lt8yj wrote

Knowing my mom she would wine and say “that’s not fair 😭” Lmfao


Significant_Anteater t1_j6lxjoj wrote

This is theft - the appropriation of the property of another with the intention to permanently deprive. Present a united front to your parents that you both intend to go to the police station and press for criminal charges to be filed, that you are the victims of a crime, and the witnesses of the crime, and your testimony will likely corroborate. Then if the money isn’t returned and him punished within 24 hours, go to the police file a police report. The little shit will learn the lesson your negligent, coddling parents aren’t teaching him.


Talarin20 t1_j6mbnb4 wrote

This is prime advice if you want to act on emotions without any consideration of the consequences.


Significant_Anteater t1_j6mnpnd wrote

Then I guess you should read my other comment in the dialogue where I discuss consequences and dynamics. Plus, I would think, this is the opposite of an emotive, reactionary response.


Tanagrabelle t1_j6mcz7w wrote

Record them bragging about it, and report to the police or someone like that. You may even have a case. Sort of. I know, it's not that easy. This is more of an impulse advice.


markwell9 t1_j6mebh5 wrote

At least where I live, this would never fly in any way. Police would call it a domestic issue that should be done through civil court.


[deleted] OP t1_j6ly0l7 wrote

My sister wanted to go to the police but then said it was a lot of work 😂


Significant_Anteater t1_j6m0etd wrote

It really isn’t. You could start with a phone call to the police. I mean, people are throwing solutions at you in this thread, you know the players better than us and how they would react to each. Making a police statement really isn’t much work. The overriding issue is what the impact will be on family dynamics and whether there will be any retaliation. But also, don’t let people walk all over you either. Present reasonable solutions to your parents, and then the worst case solution. But make sure people know they can’t walk all over you, especially in your own home! Silent treatment isn’t working, trying an alternative. Best of luck!


Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_j6ltrdn wrote

Do it anyway. Teach them a lesson about stealing.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lu388 wrote

My sister would be the girl you tell this to do. I don’t think I could, even though I hope he stubs his toe everyday, I still wouldn’t do that.


PigeonOnDrugs t1_j6lvq35 wrote

Then tell your sister to do that, money is money, and the one who earns it gets to spend it.

Finding it isn't really "earning it".


[deleted] OP t1_j6lvszo wrote

Our mom would kill her lol. She probably wouldn’t. Plus knowing my mom she would try and have us arrested 💀😂


[deleted] OP t1_j6lvwn1 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j6lw009 wrote

I’m not 18, you can’t really pawn or sell stuff without being 18.


HumanStruggle8295 t1_j6lztww wrote

Friendly reminder to not listen to internet stranger's advice, what happen to you is not something they care about they only LOVE revenge and "an eye for an eye", which funnily enough ends up in everyone being one-eyed.


ErinBLAMovich t1_j6lvtg9 wrote

You have to stand up for yourself in this world or everyone is going to take advantage of you. Hoping a literal thief "stubs his toe" but otherwise gets a free ride? That doesn't make you a more ethical person, it just makes you a doormat.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lvyj7 wrote

I mean, I just don’t think two wrong make a right. If someone does something bad to me, and then I do something bad to someone else, wouldn’t everyone just being doing terrible things to each other? I believe in revenge, but sometimes you have to break the cycle and be the bigger person. (Also pawning things requires an ID and you gotta be 18) 😂


thirsty_pretzelzz t1_j6lyymy wrote

But you wouldn’t be doing something bad to just “someone else”, it would be doing it to that person as repercussions for their actions. What your saying would mean bad stuff would still happen, it would just be one directional always to the people who don’t deserve it. Showing them there are consequences actually leads to “less bad” in the world since it shows it won’t be tolerated


United_Major_4264 t1_j6lx7p0 wrote

I'm not saying you should actually take anything, but you can't steal what rightfully belongs to you. It's not wrong to stand up for yourself or take care of yourself. I sincerely hope you and your sister do what's best for yourselves, either way. Stay safe.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lxakq wrote

You’re right, I’m just really upset as well.


Popular_Spray_253 t1_j6lxwuu wrote

Do you have any aunts or uncles you can talk to that might be sympathetic?? You could even get a court order to go live with them instead. Just an idea.


[deleted] OP t1_j6ly2xi wrote

None left, my grandparents live a few states away. I turn 17 in three weeks so then I’ll only have a year left


Letifer_Umbra t1_j6m4v9l wrote

There is no cycle to break if the other one continues. You have shown it is easy and without problem to tskr advantage of you. They will just keep doing it. That is the cycle to break.


Nitroghast t1_j6mf4sn wrote

Going to the police is not a wrong. Not going is wrong, you should report a crime as soon as you can. To be the bigger person you first of all have to follow the law. You can't let a wrong slip through, especially if that's not just any wrong, is litteral theft, you must go to the police if they keep saying they won't give you the money back


DieselWins t1_j6m3x5z wrote

By not presenting solutions to get your money back and not telling your parents it's time to compensate and not filing a police report, you and your sister are enabling his theft and letting him know that he can get away with it in the future. If you're willing to be sneaky, your next best revenge is to delete his Fortnite account. You may need a security code for this. That would hit him HARD if he's like any of the Fortnite players I know. Your mother is actively causing trauma to you and your sister. Stand up for yourself and your sister and do something about it.


JohnArce t1_j6msxzj wrote

this is a great revenge. OP talks about hiding his controllers, but he'll just get more from his mom. His mom's money won't buy him back his stats and unlocks.


IrishMilo t1_j6m0xc5 wrote

Take his console and sell it for 150 bucks.

Also I don't think fortnight costs that much. Your mum might have the change.


QuotableRaven t1_j6m737l wrote

He spent it on skins, bucks etc, not buying the game. Fortnight is free to play, they get their money through micro transactions


IrishMilo t1_j6mcomg wrote

Interesting, I didn't know consoles adopted the micro transaction model, that's amazing, but at the same time almost worse that he spent that money on digital clothes...


ROPROPE t1_j6mes1g wrote

It's so much worse. Spending almost any amount of money on FOMO-marketplaces like Fortnite's means you've fallen headfirst into the trap they've laid out. You could've bought anything with that money, even just more games, but you were conditioned to believe the little dopamine hit of seeing your character do a new dance was worth however much they were selling it for.


AislinnScr t1_j6mcvvs wrote

Also might be worth mentioning that those microtransactions have a tendency to add up in a big way.


Chewiesbro t1_j6m2fea wrote

To which you reply:

Not my monkeys, not my circus and not my problem. However the clowns are fucking familiar.


Available_Gains t1_j6m83f7 wrote

If your stepdad really is a great guy ask him if he'd compensate the stolen money, if not... sell that fu*king disgusting childs shit asap.


Random_Guy_47 t1_j6mbj4n wrote

Doesn't matter if she thinks it's fair or not.

It'll teach him not to do it again. He stole your money you have every reason to go take it back. If it's not there in cash then take his stuff.

Preferably something he'll really miss, like all his controllers so he can't play his games.

If there are no consequences for it he'll do it again.


Arabeskas t1_j6m931s wrote

I would just take his PC and sell it, it was sitting in his room unprotected


feeltheslipstream t1_j6m0lox wrote

Don't be silly. Take mom's cash. She's the one who set the rule. Make her see why it's a dumb rule.


my_dogs_a_devil t1_j6mpavg wrote

If you want a form of retribution that’s less likely to be traced back to you, see if you can get the chance to get on his Fortnite account. If you can rename to something with swear words, or get on the mic and be super offensive to people, or send in game chat messages swearing or being racist, you might be able to get his account banned. He would lose access to everything he bought, absolutely lose his shit and probably cry, and getting info from the company on why the account was actually banned other than “violated company policies” is incredibly hard. Even if the company did mention why he was banned, they have no evidence pinning it back to you, and they might even believe you’re brother was the one that did it and get him further in trouble for that. Edit: hell dm me his account name and I’ll try to report him myself 😂


Fair-Ninja7691 t1_j6m6b74 wrote

Tbh, this is neglect and psychological abuse. Instead of trying to get revenge, go to your school counselor or another teacher you trust. Tell them the story, and get the help you deserve. This is an awful situation and instead of trying to fight back, spare that energy and take care of yourself and your sister. Fighting back sounds great and people love revenge (me included), but you won’t get anything out of it. It’s clear that your mother and stepdad will make your life (and your sisters’) even harder after that. It’s just not worth it. What IS worth it though, is making sure you are going to be okay. In 5 years, you probably won’t be speaking to them (even if you can’t imagine it right now, you will grow up and realize your life will never be great with them in it). Hiding his controller won’t make you feel better in 5 years. Taking care of yourself and being proud to look back at how you took care of it with the help of a trusted adult, will make you happier.


xDrxGinaMuncher t1_j6mdvsw wrote

Wish I could give gold to boost this, because while I understand everyone else's emotional responses, realistically there's next to nothing a kid can do when their parents are like this other than hope they can find a mandatory reporting trustworthy adult (generally: teacher, school counselors), and that some sort of good comes from that. Maybe they can find a friend to crash with to get out earlier, but that's a hard ask.

Doing the same as the parents/brother goes against OP's morals. It sounds like retaliation in any form against the brother would be somewhat futile, as they're "parents precious spoiled baby" and if found would likely result in even worse treatment. Hiding the controllers is mild, but that's $60 a pop, if they wind up hiding those every few days to every week, someone's going to catch on. No one has a place to store 50+ controllers, and unless their parents are rich rich, I doubt they'll be okay with constantly pissing away that money every week, even if it is for "their little angel."

Maybe the school would come up with a small fund raiser to help them go where they were saving for, or maybe it'd start a chain to get an actual loving family member custody. Or maybe it'd do nothing. But it's leaps and bounds better than purposely poking the bear, and hoping it doesn't lash out worse than it's already been doing.


kyzurale t1_j6ms20t wrote

I wouldn’t go so far as to hide the controllers, I would start donating them to a local youth organization.


xDrxGinaMuncher t1_j6mtt0a wrote

Yeah, I feel like that'd be a way better way to do that. But at that point it's actually stealing. Where what OP plans to do is technically borrowing them, because they plan to return them eventually, just all at once, when they leave. So donating them would probably be out of the question to them due to their own morals.


ipoopedmybum t1_j6lu9yr wrote

Guy really dropped $150 on fortnite ?


[deleted] OP t1_j6lukaw wrote

He’s spent more on our moms credit card 💀💀💀


[deleted] OP t1_j6lw0tm wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j6lw3xe wrote

I couldn’t do that. Hate me, but I don’t believe in stealing. Even though I was stolen from the guilt would still kill me.


feeltheslipstream t1_j6m0r5a wrote

We've already established this is not stealing. It's finding.


darksaint590 t1_j6mm2vp wrote

Tactically reacquiring. It’s only stealing if you get caught.


konichiwa-minna_san t1_j6lxzs3 wrote

You are right. No matter what others tell you here, YOU STAND BY YOUR PRINCIPLES. What you believe to be wrong is wrong and no amount of goading is going to make it alright. Your mom sounds like a narcissistic a**hole and your brother is spoilt by her. Don't go down to their level. If you are going to shut them out of your life two years later, you can at least know that you were always the good person and they deserve to be out of your life.


[deleted] OP t1_j6ly45h wrote

Thanks for the advice


UltimateGammer t1_j6meou7 wrote

Turning the other cheek just gets you another slap.

Go to the police and make a report.


NattySocks t1_j6mp4pn wrote

Better yet, she can sue her brother and parents in small claims court. Victory over the $150 will feel so good when her parents refuse to help pay for college and kick them out at 18. It's way more important to keep it real.


[deleted] OP t1_j6mejx0 wrote



SlickHand t1_j6mi6f5 wrote

There's no need to resent them. And bugger the forgiveness and understanding. What's more to understand than her brother is a thieving piece of shit, her mum is a narcissist and her dad has no spine.

If she shuts those arseholes out of her life then she won't be thinking about them.

It should be said repeatedly forgiving toxic people is poisonous to oneself.


RusstyDog t1_j6mnk2c wrote

Fuck that. You have no obligation to other people.

"Forgiveness" is the skeleton key abusers use to keep getting back in.


Solidusfunk t1_j6mm447 wrote

Exactly, at the end of your days all you have are your principles.


neutrino71 t1_j6m4kzu wrote

Being a citizen in a civilized society involves engagement in the social contract. Your brother and mother seem keen to return to pre-law anarchy of some kind. If finders are keepers where does it end? If she leaves her car keys out is the car now yours? Can you sell her silverware if she doesn't lock it up?

I do understand your desire to not rock the boat and your safest option is to begin planning for your exit from this environment. Unfortunately their are plenty more unscrupulous people who will not hesitate to take your things so be careful who you trust.


SlickHand t1_j6mhm6e wrote

You're the better person for having exactly those morals.

It's pretty clear your family treat your sister and you like shit. Any chance either of you could work towards moving out together when you've got more money behind you?

About 10 years ago I knew of a young lady not much older than your sister who moved out and took her much younger sister with her because of similar circumstances. She worked hard to provide for the two of them, getting assistance from a foodbank and the Salvos and friends.

My own two older sisters constantly stole from me as a kid. One even got addicted to drugs and hocked the stuff she stole from me to feed the habit. I don't consider them family now. They never changed. Might have the same blood, but they're not family.


Aether_Breeze t1_j6mg0vh wrote

Honestly, you are right.

Sitting on the Internet I would love to say you should find his console, sell it (as it is after all now yours) and use the money for the tickets.

Sadly, you are right. It is important to do the right thing and be better. It really sucks that not everyone is, but if everyone does wrong then the world will just get worse.

The best thing is to learn the lesson that there are horrible people and avoid them. I am just sad for you that these are your family and you can't get away from them yet, I hope one day you will find better people to spend your time and attention on.

But I would still recommend some revenge if you can, even is it doesn't go so far as a crime!


RusstyDog t1_j6mn5ee wrote

Really though, it is not stealing if you only spend the amount they took.

That is "your" money.


eileen404 t1_j6mh9gl wrote

She did establish the finders keepers rule. While plainly personal property isn't respected, this should be valid. However, with how the parents are, planning for that to blow up would be a good idea.

The parent's hypocrisy is amazing. I'm sorry. You're having to deal with this. Sadly the best advice I have is persevere in getting good grades and go to college and get a good career you can get a good job you can support yourself on and you'll have a good life. It will get better. I'm sorry you can't trust your family to not steal from you.


Kairinezz t1_j6lx2t4 wrote

Welp, time for the manadatory hope you move out at 18 because your mother does not respect you at all! It will only get worse!


[deleted] OP t1_j6lx8le wrote

That’s the plan lol!


starwhal3000 t1_j6m41lh wrote

Sell the controller. Sell the replacement. Sell replacements until you're reimbursed. Leave a thank you note when you move out.


frys_grandson t1_j6lzdyw wrote

At least log into his account and erase everything on there.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lzjvb wrote

It’ll be gone in a few days, he’s rlly bad at the game (his words) 💀


Bad_Decision_Rob_Low t1_j6md15r wrote

You can delete his accounts, remove profiles. Fuck him over dude, he won’t learn.


Kadeous t1_j6lzl88 wrote

Dude, what in the actual fuck? You have the worst mother in the world! What a cheap B! And you were saving money for him too! How can your parents be okay with this? How are you okay with this and just accepting it? I guess you like being a doormat.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lzob4 wrote

I’m not okay with it I’m very upset. I plan on getting revenge, read the post. It’ll make him insane


Kadeous t1_j6lzx5d wrote

I’m mean sure I guess, just seems like a weak payback to me. Besides your mom will just eventually flip out and blame you and your sister because she doesn’t even love you both. It’s most likely because you both have different fathers than her son. And the fact that you consider your stepdad your dad is a joke. His broke ass can’t even afford to pay you the 150 bucks his loser of a son stole.


Eldryanyyy t1_j6md8kd wrote

The fact you’re talking with this toxicity and disrespect to a 16 year old kid makes you the AH here. Give her constructive advice, or gtfo. Don’t try to say she’s weak and bully her to do what you want.

OP, Parents playing favorites obviously doesn’t mean they aren’t parents. It just means they aren’t being good parents. You can still get a job that pays in cash, and save up money. Your stepfather can’t really decide that.

I feel sorry for your brother. Seems like he will struggle in life if he’s so spoiled.


Kadeous t1_j6mdgsy wrote

They have an egg donor, not a mother. This kid needs to stand up for herself so I said what I said. You sound like one of those people who say “but they are family!” When someone is downright abusive. She doesn’t need advice from people like you, she needs to realize she can only rely on herself and her sister. Hopefully they get their own place and split rent next year.


Eldryanyyy t1_j6mdq0e wrote

You have no idea what I’m like. The fact you’re so fucking wrong about me, and already giving advice about me, speaks to the fact that you are an idiot. You probably shouldn’t be giving any advice with that attitude.


Kadeous t1_j6mdzal wrote

Lol @ you editing your comment above this to try and save face. OP- don’t listen to people like this. Just focus on you and your sister and getting away from your abusive situation.


SuperBobPlays t1_j6m7llm wrote

Report his fortnite account for stream sniping or inappropriate behavior... Likely he's doing something dumb or being obnoxious knowing his behavior.

Another option could be just changing his accounts password. He resets it, you reset it... Rinse and repeat.

And one more thing to just inconvenience him and be petty... Start hiding trash or rotting food under his bed or in his closet. Also, if he's got chores, make it a point to find a way to reverse them... He's washing dishes? Smear food on the clean ones. Gotta sweep the hallway? Sweep the garage and dump it in the hallway. Be malicious, but enough to wear it's clearly deniable.

It sucks, but what you have is an entitled mother/brother and an enabling step-dad... Most you can do is tell the step dad in passing that you and your sister were trying to get passes for all 3 children, as a surprise. But at this point, now it's best to just save up for a better getaway... An apartment down-payment.

Keep money in your own savings account. Away from the house. Make it to where it is purely a savings, and the card can't be used outside of a bank/atm. If your parents have a problem with that, then tell them it's for college. They can't say no to that.

And if they do... It's time to go with malicious compliance... I can't have money? No need to go to college. I can't have any personal space? Cool then I guess I'll move out as soon as I'm 18.

Either way, when you're older, cut contact... Don't visit, and if you do, make it to where you stay in a hotel or with friends... Trust me... The my house/my rules and my baby boy bs is never going away... He'll be 40 still living at home while mommy spoils him on hand and foot and asking you for help as much as you allow it. Eventually step-dad might see reason and book it. But honestly? Don't get your hopes up.


[deleted] OP t1_j6m7p66 wrote

I have a savings account it’s just me and my sister found it super satisfying to save it physically


ShambolicPaul t1_j6m6co7 wrote

Get his Fortnite account IP banned. It's very easy to do.


rdicky58 t1_j6m4gzl wrote

Welp she’s laid down the rules! Finders keepers now!


RepeatProphet t1_j6lz06u wrote

Steal, destroy, and discard the power cable to his TV, pc, game console, phone, etc. When they are replaced, do it again.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lz2du wrote

I’m gonna hide his controller. 😈


RepeatProphet t1_j6lzzim wrote

Instead of dumping the collection back in his room, you should just sell them to gamestop or Craigslist and get your money back that way.


RepeatProphet t1_j6lztvj wrote

A good start! You should also look into getting your own bank account, fully separate from your family.

Also you're mom never questioned where your lazy ass bro got a fat wad of cash? Something about the story doesn't add up.

Finally if you want to be really petty, just wait until their next bday or Christmas comes around. Don't get them anything and if they ask, tell them to stop being greedy since they already stole a $150 gift.


The_Dirtiest_Doc t1_j6m4qlk wrote

Too small. Plus you are bound to get in trouble. Destroy the inner workings of the controller. Add some water to key components of the system. When he gets a car put a small rock in the place where air gets into the tire


RefrigeratorFit599 t1_j6mkaht wrote

hiding is nothing. Go directly to sell it. I suggest sell the console together with it and use the money to get your tickets. If questioned, say "we found it while nobody was using it. Finders keepers as you said". Your mother is shit, sorry


FlyGuy_2000 t1_j6lw2tq wrote

I suggest you accumulate all his dirty secrets - nasty photos of him picking his butt, forbidden tiktok, porn sites visited, etc and as his high school PROM gift, post it for his classmates to see. Will teach that little shit not to be so smug. And leaves enough time between prom and graduation for his friends to make fun of him, but not enough to carry over to college.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lw5tp wrote

💀💀💀 He’s antisocial so he don’t have many friends anyway.


FlyGuy_2000 t1_j6lwbyn wrote

Does he interact with people on Fortnite? Doxx him then. Show his group or team what an ass he is, embarass him, take away what he loves to play from him.


AislinnScr t1_j6mdixb wrote

Apparently, he's stated that he's terrible at the game and will probably give it up relatively soon anyway...


Crman11 t1_j6m0q7a wrote

This is how rapists are made. Ie no repercussions when they do something wrong. This is disgusting.


JaccoW t1_j6m8kef wrote

Pawn off his console. Buy tickets. Leave the change on his bed. Make getting the money his problem.

Delete his profile if you want to be petty.


tehPeteos t1_j6mbe0k wrote

Teaching their son that it's ok to take other peoples things? That couldn't possibly go wrong. Your parents are failing. You say you don't want to make your life a living hell but imo living under a roof with people like that, that you're supposed to be able to trust, is already hell. It might seem ok now, but given their doubling-down on defending your brother I suspect that in a few months you'll feel very differently.

Wait for the next time he puts his phone down outside the room, nab it, and pretend you've sold it.


Hungry_Treacle3376 t1_j6mc9lw wrote

Op. You're much smarter than most of the people in these comments. By a pretty wide margin lol. You seem to have a good handle on the situation. I don't think you fucked up, because you shouldn't have to guard yourself from family, but now you know. It seems like you know the best course of action is just to live your own life and not really interact with them anymore. They obviously don't respect you, and people like that just aren't worth your time.


440mag t1_j6m910s wrote

The comments about addressing it with the alleged adults are good, give them a chance to pay for the kids crime spree. If not willing, then have sister call the cops. Yes you will more than likely experience retaliation but this is a HUGE lesson building moment for everyone! Girls, this will define you, your tolerance and standing up for yourselves. The boy needs a little (lots) of tough love. Mommy not goin' do it. Mommy & SDaddy, either deal with your little thieving spoiled child or its going to bite you later. Good luck girls! You"ll get nervous, just walk through it with each other before & back each other. Adrenaline is the BEST!


fafarex t1_j6mabi7 wrote

>The comments about addressing it with the alleged adults are good, give them a chance to pay for the kids crime spree

The same adult that have facilitate and validated the theft? I fell like we didn't read the same story.


akm1111 t1_j6md1au wrote

No the counselors and or teachers suggested upthread.


fafarex t1_j6mfzqu wrote

Ah ! Make more sense yeah. But I doubt it will be effective.

Edit: nope the comment was talking about the parent...


440mag t1_j6merv2 wrote

He'll yes. They need to Show them they are willing to take it all the way. The parents can pay for the brat, they created him. If the girls crumble it will possibly set thier future interactions for possibly thier entire lives. Present your case girls & stand up for yourselves & don't let them bully you.


Osiris_Dervan t1_j6maf7t wrote

This is literally a 'go to the police' style issue. Finders Keepers isn't a thing, this is straight up theft. Try and get into an argument with her over text where she admits it written down and then go to the police.


Gh0sT_Pro t1_j6mh9wt wrote

She is a minor, her parents can do whatever they want with the money. It's legally impossible to steal from your own minor children (with some exceptions like a trust fund for example). Police can't do anything even if they wanted. That's the current law.


herrbdog t1_j6mahuj wrote

start saving money in secret now so you can gtfo at 18

don't ever let your mother/stepfather/brother use your credit or have you co sign for anything

this is a warning sign imo


monadyne t1_j6meaqb wrote

I'm so sorry this happened to you and your sister, OP. It's awful when you are betrayed by the one person in this world you should be able to trust-- your mother. Every interaction you have with her, she will win, because she has the power. You are wise not to do anything too aggressive, so you won't have big problems while you wait out the two years until you are old enough to move out on your own.

But there is something you can do, and it has devastating power. Ignore your mother, stepfather and brother. Never speak to them (unless it is absolutely necessary.) And... don't look at them. Do this especially with your mother, and teach your sister to do it, too. When you come into a room, only look at your sister. Only talk to her-- and talk normally and act naturally with her. But don't give any attention to your mother.

She will soon feel your power. Only speak to her when it is necessary, like, "You need to sign this paper for school." But when you speak to her, look a little off to the side. Do not make eye contact. If she starts talking to you, just sit there. Don't respond. She may start yelling (out of her increasing frustration.) Don't react. As much as humanly possible, act like she doesn't exist.

Wait til you see the absolute power of this tactic. It's devastating.


YellowFootBandit t1_j6m4vqt wrote

Bf has a brother like this, just a shithead and the mom enables him. Unfortunately, only thing you can do is leave when you can. It'll be the best thing you can do in the long run.


Kagaroko t1_j6mcow4 wrote

Sell his controllers, every time he buys a new one. Then there’s no proof of you having them when he whines to mommy


markwell9 t1_j6me3uf wrote

Honestly, you are going about this the wrong way. As they say, revenge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person to die.

Do not spend a single second thinking about your brother or mother. Simply focus on you. Get better. Invest in you.

Also, personally, I'd simply exclude the brother from your life. No convo, just live around him.

Also, horrible parenting. Finders keepers? Your brother will wind up in jail or killed.


hephaistos070 t1_j6m7vix wrote

Reading your story and the comments and I really don't get this. "finders keepers"?? In your own home/room? WHAT?? That is theft. clear and simple. You need to fight back!! But reading your replies I am sure you won't. I don't understand why. You are scared I guess. But that is not a reason not to fight. Go to the police, sell all his stuff, do something!! Or you will be pushed over by everyone for anything. Stand up for yourself girl! Good luck


JustARandomOrange t1_j6lztx0 wrote


why not sue them? THIS IS LITERAL THEFT!


Independent-Face-959 t1_j6m2y9d wrote

Because she still relies on them for her survival for a few more years?

All these people downvoting her for not retaliating need to realize that she still has to live with this people for at least 2-3 years at minimum.


pereira325 t1_j6mculi wrote

I don't know why more people don't realise this. If OP 'retaliates' visibility, her life & sisters could become bad/worse.


AislinnScr t1_j6mdfkq wrote

1 and a bit, if she plans to leave the minute she turns 18. But I'm guessing it would be good to stick around for the sister, unless she tries for guardianship, which doesn't seem realistic for a freshly 18yo in the case of a 16-17yo sister.


[deleted] OP t1_j6m07he wrote

Because they’re my family 🙁


Ilien t1_j6m24yn wrote

Honey, I hate to break it to you, family does not do this. They don't neglect you, nor allow literally theft.

I am so, so sorry.


Nukro77 t1_j6m7wgo wrote

Family is more then blood, this to me is not at all ok. I parent wouldn't do this, this is insane


Atezsays t1_j6mb93f wrote

If it’s fortnite and you know his epic account info, go to epic games and login and delete his account. It’ll ask if you’re sure because once it’s gone it’s gone for good.


LadyHikesALot t1_j6mel7s wrote

If you PM me a way to get the season pass tickets to you, I would be willing to pitch in for at least one of them.


WeLiveInAnOceanOfGas t1_j6meyhi wrote

This is really a FU for your Stepmom. Finders Keepers as a rule has been established. FIND EVERYTHING


guy30000 t1_j6miyye wrote

This isn't your FU. On a bed is a perfectly reasonable place to leave your belongings. If I left $100 on the living room table it would remain there. Nobody who I consider family or a friend would take it. For that matter nobody who I consider a decent person would take it.

Your brother and mother have problems. Problems you need to get away from. When you are old enough you need to put a safe distance between you and them. Don't be afraid to seek therapy, yourself. Your step father is trouble too but in a different way. Keeping quiet when you know something is unjust happening before you is also bad. He is likely insecure, fearful in his relationship with your mother. In a real relationship people are not afraid to disagree. I'm sure he is very kind to you but not there for you when you need it.


pissbuckit666 t1_j6m6hox wrote

If you have a small enough screwdriver you can easily pop the back cover of a ps4 controller off and cut one of the battery cables. If your careful enough you can do this without damaging the screws or case.


KrtekJim t1_j6m8qml wrote

Report the theft to the police.


Bad_Decision_Rob_Low t1_j6mcuoq wrote

Fuck that. Sell his controller or video game system to GameStop, sell his shit to kids at school. -tell them the exact same line.

I’d also say you have to teach him a lesson, fuck your parents, you have to fuck him over.

Or call the cops, have them show up to your house.


Vi0lentLeft0vers t1_j6md80b wrote

Sounds like it’s time to list some fancy gadgets you “find” on fb marketplace and Craigslist. Those controllers should get at least $30 each time one is “lost” and replaced 💅🏼

Just be sure to delete chats.


bmccooley t1_j6mejng wrote

If the house rule is finders-keepers, then I would think anything of your parents or anyone else is legitimately fair game. I highly recommend you start habits so that you can protect yourself while "rebalancing" what they are doing to you. Hide everything.


chiefassassin38 t1_j6mf4hj wrote

sell his controller n the console 🤷🏽‍♂️


AhoraNoMeCachan t1_j6mfbc7 wrote

Sell your brothers console. It's a finding.


ReasonableApartment t1_j6m63na wrote

I would totally be willing to send some $$$ your way to go towards tickets for yourself and your sister (definitely not your stepbrother).


LadyHikesALot t1_j6megxs wrote

I would be willing to pitch it if there is a way we can just buy the passes and send them to her instead of just sending money that her brother will be able to snatch again.


grewupwithelephants t1_j6mi52f wrote

I’d be willing to pitch in too since most of the comments here don’t seem to be very helpful. It’s an horrible situation where minors are abused by those who should be protecting them. OP let us know if there’s a way to get tickets for you and your sister?


gbursson t1_j6m9lxz wrote

I would not. OP would leave the money out in the open and scumbag would steal it again.


kab1218 t1_j6m8zbj wrote

“Finders keepers” his Xbox / PlayStation / pc wall plugin. He gets a new one? Finders keepers that too


Sea_Photograph_3998 t1_j6mg3rp wrote

It's not yout fault. Your mum is a horrible person for saying "finders keepers" in response to him stealing your hard earned money. She's actually complicit as she allowed him deposit it into her account. I get the feeling maybe he found it, told on you, and she decided to let him spend it to punish you for having a job. Your stepdad sounds like a pathetic, spineless coward.

None of these people deserve your respect or loyalty. Well your sister does obviously, i mean the people I mentioned in the above paragraph. They don't deserve anything good from you.


Perks508 t1_j6mi2s7 wrote

What a little shit, your folks fucking suck for not only allowing it but aiding him in bringing him to the bank like wtf. I’ll gladly donate to get you and your sister that pass. Idk if you have PayPal or Cash App or Zelle but I have all 3 so lmk.


RefrigeratorFit599 t1_j6mjr8g wrote

finders are keepers? take his console or PC and sell it. Take the money to buy your tickets.


Moleypeg t1_j6moaqd wrote

So your mum got knocked up with someone else’s kid immediately after you were born and your dad died? Classy lady.


TerribleRun9476 t1_j6m3692 wrote

bro, fuck your step bro. i will dead ass "accidentally" spill liquid on his entire gaming station/device.


NotNateDawg t1_j6md3zt wrote

don’t leave them, take them and break them or keep them lol if you don’t actually ruin this little fucks sanity and peace then y’all deserved it


blahbleh112233 t1_j6mfj34 wrote

Sorry to hear that but your sister has the right mentality OP. What I'd say is to bide your time and not advertise it too much. You never know what shit the parents will pull/allow to be pulled on you when on the grounds of "well you're not part of the family anymore"


Alien_Cha1r t1_j6mgo2x wrote

get out of there as soon as you can and leave that toxic household.


Butthole__Pleasures t1_j6mgweg wrote

You and your sister should just get together and beat the shit out of your brother in the dark every few nights. Not because it's right or because you can easily get away with it, but because it would make everyone who has read this infuriating story feel better. It's basically a public service at this point to do that.


Jenuptoolate t1_j6minr1 wrote

Can you talk to your Stepdad? Maybe he will pay you back or buy you the Valleyfair tickets.

I hope you have 1 adult in your life that isn’t total trash.


cpsbstmf t1_j6mke61 wrote

What a little rat he is and ur parents suck. I'd not speak to either of them. My little brother was spoiled as hell too but he'd never steal my money, I'd Beat his butt If he did. Even tho my parents spoiled him (he didn't have to do anything and got all the good presents) I taught him right from wrong and he never stole. Of course now he's a nasty jerk but at least I don't have to live with him.


Soflohooker t1_j6mkevi wrote

Rub a magnet on his TV screen it will ruin it.


Apollo_3249 t1_j6mkke2 wrote

If everything is as you say, fuck your family. They sound horrible (excluding your sister). I can almost guarantee that your sister will be the only worthy relationship to hold onto. I remember making excuses for my mother when I was your age. It all changed when I had a kid, and realized that I could never treat them the way I was treated. If you become a parent you’ll see what I mean. But my heart goes out to you, not being able to have trust in your own home with your own family is hurtful as hell to say the least


Slow-Talk-400 t1_j6mkkzr wrote

The fact that you feel like your mom doesn't like y'all cuz she reminds u of ur dad is messed up but it shouldn't be SHOWABLE to you, that's just abuse. Sounds like she has low self esteem and needs a male around all time. Sad tbh take his shit sell it get ur money back screw principles


Cptcongcong t1_j6mlhzm wrote

So let me get this straight, you guys left your money in your room, your stepbrother waltzes in and takes your money and somehow it’s finders keepers?

If your mom has that twisted logic in her and your dad isn’t willing to step in, then they’re both twats. You’ll leave in 2 years on way or another, get your little sister out too. Some families just aren’t worth actual revenge. They’re too blinded by their nepotism.

However, never forget this. Never forget the day when you realized your mum would side with someone that’s blatantly wrong and your stepdad not stepping in. 10 years down the line, if these people try to get stuff out of you by saying “he/she’s family!”, always reply with the “remember when I was 16 and this happened?”. Not worth it. Cut contact with all but your stepdad.


Archie19n t1_j6mlz0i wrote

your brother & mom suck, damn. sorry that happened to you


drcockasaurus t1_j6mmoxk wrote

mafia time. "you are in debt to me. you have one week to put that money back in my hand plus interest or my boys start breaking things"


tooshelf92 t1_j6mmwor wrote

Sell his game console, that’ll pay for the tickets real quick. If you get caught say that he shouldn’t have left it out and finders keepers.


igglesfangirl t1_j6mo2bs wrote

Don't do chores for money? There's absolutely no point if your parents just give your money away. They are both just awful people. I'm sorry.


jackson71 t1_j6moz84 wrote

Anyone else noticing these new day old accounts in r/TIFU lately?


Ojaz t1_j6mp445 wrote

I’d take your moms card and spend a large amount on his Fortnite game, then claim innocence


Th4nat0s1s t1_j6mptvu wrote

Honestly, if you proved your not some 40 year old man whose trying to scam everyone, I would def donate towards and promote a confounding for you guys to get those passes.... but yeah...


BirthdayCarFire t1_j6mqi95 wrote

You had one fucking job a ruined a special treat for a tv show….


Keilbor t1_j6mrknr wrote

It might be a long shot but do you mean the ValleyFair in Minnesota? I used to love that place as a kid, my step dad was actually part of the team that fabricated a few of the rides there. I move back to Minnesota end of May and actually have a hookup for season passes because I have a friend who works higher up there. DM me and I can hook you up with season passes come June (if you don’t want to cause I’m a stranger on the internet this is also okay).


KidenStormsoarer t1_j6mrp2n wrote

He stole your money and spent it on his game? Time to sell his system


STOTTINMAD t1_j6msw1g wrote

My advice, when your able to forge your own path, leave them to rot. They clearly don't respect you if their response to stealing money is finder's keepers. Doesn't matter where it was at the time. Your brother is in for sharp shock I imagine when his mother can't protect. That kind of carefree attitude always bites back in the end.

Also petty revenge isn't the solution, as some have stated. Focus on yourself, and being self sufficient. That way when the time comes and they beg you for money. Just give them a middle finger.


JohnArce t1_j6mtdxk wrote

I'd be pissed off at my little brother and want revenge too, but in all honesty, it's the mom that made him like this.
I'd set my sights on her (as well)


atvz t1_j6mgag3 wrote

Guys, how bout we start a crowdfunding for these 2 young ladies? Life's shit enough for em


alice_op t1_j6mgv3q wrote

No. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, for gods sake.


atvz t1_j6mh1od wrote

Good point, sorry didn't think that through


nycdevil t1_j6miijg wrote

It's $150. You two are 16 and 17, not 6 and 7. Get a part time job and you two will make that in a week.

Sure, what he and your mom did was shitty, and you're entirely within your rights to hold them responsible and try and get it back. But, in the grand scheme of things, it's a tiny amount of money.


SavoyBoi t1_j6mki1o wrote

Give me $150 rn


nycdevil t1_j6mln0b wrote

I'm not Walmart, try there.

My cleaning lady gets $150 for 4-5 hours of work, so you can feel free to try that hustle instead.


SavoyBoi t1_j6mlwwi wrote

no I want your $150 dollars 😡😡😡😡


nycdevil t1_j6mprmp wrote

Well, unfortunately for you, I don't just give money away. So if you have skills, services, or goods that are worth $150 to me, then you may be able to earn $150 from me, but otherwise, kindly go away.


Daftworks t1_j6lysdi wrote

OP is in a toxic family and still is morally too conflicted to even stand up for themselves. Fucking grow a spine. The world is cold and unfair. This is only the beginning. My mom has been too kind-hearted throughout all her life and she's been taken advantage of and regrets so many life decisions she made out of consideration for others, and yet got left in the dust or worse, backstabbed at every turn. You will turn out the same OP.


sfxpaladin t1_j6m4ixy wrote

What a fucking idiot. OP is a literal child in an abusive situation where if they do anything to stand up for themselves the family will clearly retaliate worse. Trash take