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talentkills t1_j604qia wrote

Once in a meeting we were discussing how we would reward employees for metrics. While talking about the budget I said "well obviously we don't want to blow our load on just one employee"

We quickly moved on


PocketOppossum OP t1_j608a8o wrote

That is so funny! I worked for a larger organization that hosted a yearly fund raiser called "the big grape". We had an E-mail chain get started by a female manager to talk about the event, but they missed a "G" in their subject line in the E-mail. For the next month we were all making jokes about the "bi grape." You can imagine where it went from there with kitchen staff.


L1P0D t1_j60i13l wrote

At least it wasn't the big rape.


PocketOppossum OP t1_j60izep wrote

Yeah, I always meticulously checked how I spelled it after that for that exact reason!


Fritzo2162 t1_j65bv1y wrote

I used to work for a guy that had a stick so far up his ass he couldn't slouch- didn't cuss, didn't joke, everything was dead serious business.

One day I went into his office and said "The network is going to go down for 20 minutes during lunch. Someone mucked up the firmware on the firewall and I have to reflash it."

He stared at me for 10-15 seconds...I was waiting to get yelled at for someone else's mistake....but then he just went "OK. Let me know when it's done."

Later that day I was in a meeting with some co-workers, he walked in, and blurted out "Hey...did you find out who fucked up that firmware?"

I was shocked...he never used that word in the office the entire 10 years I was there. I blinked a couple of times and said "Excuse me?"

He got a bit huffy, then in a forceful voice retorted "Yeah, I want to know your words...fucked up the software. If we're talking like that in the office, I'm joining in." (I'm going to note he looked physically PAINED to say the f-word. I honestly think he's never said it before.)

Again, I blinked a couple of times and replied "I actually said 'MUCKED up the firmware.'"

We just stared at each other for a while...him looking at a room full for 10 people...and he mumbled " mistake..." as he shuffled out of the room.