Submitted by Twiggimmapig t3_10gdm5x in tifu

I took my kids to a small local pet store to take a look at the dwarf hamsters and to show them the costs of caring for this new type of mammal, talk about what the responsibilities are, what our future hamsters are going to need, etc. I'm not planning on purchasing until Spring Break, so we were in there for ideas and learning purposes.

Anyway, we were looking at the dwarf hamsters when the clerk asked if we needed anything. We got to chatting, and she pointed out that if we do go through with getting two, to be aware that they can breed pretty quickly and fairly often, to which I jokingly replied "Oh that won't be a problem because we're also purchasing a snake." I told my kids I was kidding because they were immediately horrified, and after much assuring that we were NOT getting a snake, and even if we did I would never do that to the baby hamsters, that was that. (Honestly upon typing this sentence I realize there's a parenting fail in here somewhere)

We took our purchases for our dog to the front, paid, and on the way out the owner of the shop stopped me. He said his wife was absolutely horrified at my lack of appreciation for animal welfare and my blatant disregard for all things God has created and that I was no longer welcome in their shop, and if I showed up there he'd call the authorities. I was stunned, but also I couldn't help laughing. He then said "Keep laughing, young lady. Keep laughing, you'll see."

He held the door for us as we left, stayed outside as I backed out of the parking space, then stood there glaring until I drove off. I only feel slightly embarrassed because I've never been "banned" from anywhere, but the thing that kind of sucks is he might recognize my kids if they go in with my spouse, and the owners seem the type to exclude everyone associated with me. So there it is, a rather boring fuckup compared to all the others in this subreddit, but amusing nonetheless.

TLDR; I made a joke about feeding baby hamsters to a snake and got banned from a local pet store



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manofredearth t1_j525fvd wrote

"I would be caring for God's creature, the snake, exactly as God intended..."


PivotSquish t1_j526sem wrote

The hypocrisy of owning a pet shop that sells exotic critters and reptiles, many of which won’t have a good life in glass or cages, while pretending to be appalled at a joke of feeding a snake something it needs.

Even already-killed mice were alive too.


Cumupin420 t1_j5243ai wrote

See what happens when you make bad jokes! Only zingers from here on out, okay?


Twiggimmapig OP t1_j524nc4 wrote

I'm immediately researching dad-jokes for moms


Solid_Look9293 t1_j529qcc wrote

You mean r/MomJokes ? Don't they just stand there and roll their eyes at this point? With an occasional sigh


rpapafox t1_j52dr3k wrote

> disregard for all things God has created

This same person will have no qualms about killing ants that are invading his home, swatting mosquitoes that are sucking his blood, nor taking medication to kill the bacteria that have infected his body. Where does the distinction between god's creatures begin and end?


AshleyIRL t1_j54s3eh wrote

You didn't ask for this advice, but please heed the warning about how fast hamsters can reproduce and reconsider housing them together if you must get more than one. In brief, when I worked for the humane society a few years ago we had a couple surrender over 200 hamsters. They started with two hamsters one year prior. Feel free to DM for hamster info and tips if you'd like to.


Denkir-the-Filtiarn t1_j54y1x0 wrote

Honestly probably better to go with rats. Two female rats. They're really easy to tell apart too, and generally cage mate siblings get along well if they're both female.


not_my_grandma t1_j6c0qha wrote

When I was in high school, we had an Intro to Psychology course. I was (and still am) super into psychology, so I took the course. Part of the course was that, as a class, we had to choose a psychological experiment and complete it, with everybody turning in their own research papers and thoughts on the experiment.

We chose a fun one from the list of pre-approved experiments- training rats to play basketball. So our teacher goes out and buys two rats. The pet store she bought them from swore up and down they were both males.

Well, we found out our Ralph was a Ralphina when we came to school and found 10 baby rats in their cage. Woops.


AllanfromWales1 t1_j524jxi wrote

When our kids were about 8 and 10, we went into a gift shop in town and while we were looking at something, the kids wandered off and started laughing about some 18+ gifts on open display. The store owner got angry and said the kids were banned from the store. That was 25 years ago and I have never been back in there since. Nor will I. Small town or no, there are other alternatives if they're going to take that attitude.


AgencyDelicious1933 t1_j5289eq wrote

I say you go back and if they say anything, just be like: "I prayed really hard, and god told me I shouldn't let jokes stand in the way of purchasing animal supplies. Business is business!! 🤷‍♀️👍"

Edit: do you live in Republican Town or something? I can't imagine the store owner actually calling the cops with the reasoning they need to come and boot a mom who got banned over a joke.


ZealousTigers t1_j54dq2u wrote

So technically if youre banned they can just trespass you.


EffectiveGeneral8425 t1_j525qgt wrote

Don’t worry about it, the fact you said you were kidding straight after made it even more harmless tbh. Some people just have simple minds and have take everything seriously because god forbid letting loose every now and again. Although I give them credit for owning a pet shop whilst being concerned for the animals welfare, that is if they speak their actions.


coyote_grundy_666 t1_j53tpok wrote

That's a hilarious joke and that guy clearly has no sense of humor.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j53k0l0 wrote

How ironic they supposedly care so much for the lives of animals while selling animals that live in boxes and have terrible lives until they’re sold.


dantodd t1_j56tvjf wrote

I would definitely have requested a refund of my purchase before leaving.


Remy93 t1_j67o3c9 wrote

Na, it was a good joke and that owner can get bent


RubyFehu t1_j680d0c wrote

If I worked in that pet shop I would probably get in trouble off the boss for laughing at your joke and probably fired 😂


LoiGrimm t1_j6a14ha wrote

Well snakes need to eat too. Does he expect them to eat salad or something?

Just be careful buying a hamster. Most species are solitary and highly territorial and will kill each other of there's two of them


Golden_girl18 t1_j6dl5eq wrote

Do they think snakes eat spaghetti or salads? This same couple would most likely rescue a rabbit from a fox, saving the rabbit but depriving the fox of a meal.