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hghjjj14 t1_isqp6t7 wrote

I'm very disappointed to find out that mysteries can have dirty shit in them.

But I'm too busy laughing my head off at the idea of somebody annotating those parts to care. It's ALWAYS the stuff people leave out that's the best lol Kid, this is definitely really embarrassing, but she's 70, she's probably not even going to bat an eye. At most she'll have a good laugh at it just like we all are here, in which case, congrats, you made somebody laugh. Now, you know what's more embarrassing? Falling on your ass during kickball in gym in front of your entire class. Or running away from a kid when he asks you to 5th grade prom. Calling your 4th grade teacher mom accidentally and having her make eye contact with you, crushing your hopes of not having been heard or noticed. My point is we all do embarrassing shit while in school/beyond. Embrace the cringe.

Please read something else though smh