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sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7tk2t7 wrote

You are right actually, must have been something else in the teas. I had only had half an apple and the tea. After getting sick, I had the other half an apple and felt fine. So weird because the symptoms were exactly the caffeine overdose ones. Nausea headache lightheaded and vomit so was easy to assume


Sharter-Darkly t1_j7uecvs wrote

It was probably the Tannins in the tea. On an empty stomach they make you feel pretty bad. I’ve been close to sickness from it before.


pirate-irl t1_j7uxnm2 wrote

Tea on an empty stomache (or nearly empty) can make you feel bad for sure - it's a fairly well documented phenomenon that can pop up even on regular tea drinkers who don't experience it normally. It's like clockwork for me if I have black or green tea on an empty belly I feel almost drunk/delirious and nauseous.


aktyn87 t1_j7tku60 wrote

If i have normal black tea or green tea without breakfast, i feel like I'm about to spew for good hour or so


Zaknafeyn t1_j7uv9td wrote

Apples have caffeine too.

If a single red bull actually almost gave you a heart attack, you need to be careful.

Don't eat an apple have a coffee then eat some chocolate or you might just bust yourself up


BreDenny t1_j7uy0lh wrote

Apples don’t have caffeine


Zaknafeyn t1_j7uyefv wrote

Yep, not sure when the last time I heard it was but I see that it's been debunked.


Cindexxx t1_j7veaer wrote

It has something else in the skin that promotes wakefulness iirc. But yeah not caffeine.