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GoobyDuu t1_j900lfb wrote

This story is so fucking boring that a person that has a wife and kids wouldn't even THINK of posting. And if you DID have a wife and kids, go be with your fucking wife and kids. Reddit is a cool place, but it's not something to post your miserable life to


dscChewbacca OP t1_j903fwy wrote

Damn dude, why so negative? You found it an interesting enough post to comment?


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j902gue wrote

> your fucking wife

Congratulations, you know how kids are made


YeahlDid t1_j904ur4 wrote

Does that mean op has multiple wives then? The fucking wife, the cooking wife, the child-caring wife, etc.?


Guy1X t1_j903qw6 wrote

like you know all about having a wife and kids

jfc bro


mike117 t1_j908c2y wrote

Nothing about this post is miserable. I think you’re projecting, and taking out your frustrations from your miserable life on a post about a lost pizza. Reddit is a cool place, but not something to vent your misdirected anger to.


T0NZ t1_j91cu5h wrote

> your miserable life

When the projection gets too clear...