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Owasso_Landman t1_j1xx6k8 wrote

I would say that not everyone has the ambition to be high profile. Not everyone wants to live that life. Jon Hamm makes a shit ton of money doing VO commercial work and is never followed by paparazzi. Michael C Hall will retire rich and stress free making network TV. Justin was known as a writer first before he was an actor. Not everyone wants to be picked apart.


berrieh t1_j21nv6t wrote

Jon Hamm is also in movies and other TV shows regularly, frankly. He’s working plenty, even as a regular actor too, though often more in comedy lately.


opportunitysassassin t1_j228388 wrote

I mean he was recently in Top Gun: Maverick, I'm pretty sure he's doing well for himself.


Royal-Geologist587 OP t1_j1xxchy wrote

That’s a good point, but man it’s sad to see them not in other roles


Owasso_Landman t1_j1xy101 wrote

I think Justin also got a taste of fame dating Jennifer Aniston and wanted no part of it.


airchinapilot t1_j1xzykk wrote

He was in an Apple series called Mosquito Coast. It's on Apple so you might not have heard of it.


SynthD t1_j1ycnay wrote

I think Hamm hasn’t done serious drama since Don. He doesn’t need to, he’d get comparisons, he wants to explore his comedy side.

For a more clear cut, often announced, career path look at the indie actors who do occasional mainstream films for the paychecks. Daniel Radcliffe is one, a few people from Marvel and DC have said the same. Adam Driver?