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Regula96 t1_jaduqb3 wrote

More than 10 years since I watched those first 5 seasons and it's still a top favorite of mine.

Somewhere around season 10 was when I stopped watching it weekly. I caught up whenever I had a couple of episodes to binge. After 11 I didn't want to continue anymore. I started a rewatch during that hiatus and I was shocked to finally notice how far the quality had dropped with those later seasons.

After that I came across youtube clips here and there so I have a general idea what the last 4 seasons were like. I did watch the season 15 penultimate episode though and it was just complete garbage. The cgi was so bad the show looked like shit. It looked much better in the earlier seasons. And that was 15 years earlier!

I still watch Kripke's run every other year or so.