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Neoliberalism2024 t1_jadj75e wrote

I loved the series throughout the entire run, but the power creep was pretty hilarious.

They kill literal death, and eventually they kill the actual omniscient omnipresent God, despite having no actual powers.

Puts DBZ to shame.


[deleted] t1_jadmor4 wrote



Frisky_Picker t1_jaejpdu wrote

Yeah I was really hoping they were going to give it their all for the last season but not even close. After killing god Dean gets killed in a routine vampire hunt, something we've seen them do numerous times, and we end up with Sam wearing a cardigan, glasses and a shitty gray wig. Never seen a more buff grandpa in my life.


KingSam89 t1_jadxhff wrote

It's so hammy and campy it's incredible imo. I loved when the show was more "grounded" but I equally love it for going so hard off the rails while being self aware and REALLY committing to it.

What other show has done that?